Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread.

in hive-195150 •  4 months ago 

Steem greetings esteem steemians. Have you ever wondered what could be done to encourage school attendance in conflict-afflicted regions of the world?
Walk with me as I recount my experience at P.S Tobin very recently.
During my recent visit to P.S Tobin in Kumbo, I had the privilege of witnessing a remarkable initiative that is transforming the local educational landscape: a comprehensive school feeding program. Yes, I was Kumbo, in case you're wondering. What can I say? I go everywhere duty calls, just like I assisted in setting kids up for graduation few day ago. I have detailed that endeavor on this link. click to read more


This initiative ensures that every pupil and staff member receives nutritious meals daily, a gesture that extends far beyond mere sustenance. I even partook in one of the meals. On this day Jollof rice was on the menu, and belief me, these teachers can cook.

The program has numerous benefits, but perhaps the most significant is its probably its indirect role in encouraging children to return to school after years of widespread school boycotts. The socio-political unrest in the region had led to prolonged periods where many children were unable to attend school. However, the promise of daily meals has become a powerful motivator for parents to send their children back to the classroom. Remember this is the same school where I went to set up an I.T center as recounted in my previous post. Follow this link to read about that part of my journey.


Beyond addressing immediate hunger, the feeding program at P.S Tobin promotes better academic performance. Well-nourished students are more attentive, have higher energy levels, and are more capable of engaging with their studies. While I did not hang around long enough to be able to quantify the degree of the difference this initiative has on pupils’ performances, I know for sure there is some significant improvement.

Additionally, this initiative fosters a sense of community and security. Students who might otherwise miss meals at home due to economic hardships find a reliable source of nourishment at school. This consistency helps in reducing absenteeism and ensures that children can focus on their education without the distraction of hunger.
When it’s time, brake time so to speak, the food is distributed to various classrooms in labeled ports. The class teacher appoints two or three pupils within the class who assist in sharing the food as she dishes it. I spotted children yanking out pears and bananas from their school bags; brought from home to complement whatever was on the menu that day(in this case rice).

Moreover, the feeding program supports local agriculture by sourcing ingredients from nearby farmers, thereby contributing to the local economy. It is a holistic approach that not only benefits the

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