Salut salut salut mes amies❤. Trust you all are doing well. Its another moment and i hereby welcome you to another Diary session of mine. Woke up in the morning greeting the dawn with enthusiasm 😊 active and strong thanking allah for a new day subhanallah subhanallah (faith)🙏📿📖 .
I reached at the junction and got bread with we call
Akra beans
Delicious combo😋
Then digested with pawpaw with its scientific name carica papaya
While at the junction, i watched the high demand of fuel by commercial vehicles and bikes how they were crowded at the fueling station not until the fuel attendant was confused with who to serve first Bamenda too fine for livam😂
Blessing Petrole Station.
The influx population in the Northwest Region alongside the fact that many out there with high certificate like Masters, Degrees are bike riders and taxi drivers due to the difficulties of the economy and no vacancies. This results to congestion on the road as many of them are commercial workers.
Furthermore, i returned down trying to keep our entrance clean because grass grew around the vicinity
Entrance To The Gate
After a long struggle, had to reactivate my energy with fruit
While seated down and eating, i caught locust 🦗 that was flying around me looking wild but i had to catch it and observed the while piercing legs looking like injections 😂
My dear steemians, here come the end of my Diary session and thanks so much for your patience.