The Diary Game:My Matriculation day: 27/03/2023

in hive-195150 •  2 years ago 

Hello, Good afternoon to you all. Hope you are all doing well. I am also doing great by the grace of God. I am here to talk about the dairy game and that is my daily activities. Today was a special day for me because today being Monday, dated 27th March,2023 was our matriculation day as I already said in my introductory post that I am a level 100 student in CKT Utas of applied sciences and technology, Navrongo campus. As you all know it is compulsory for all level 100 to be matriculated , this is for you to be fully accepted into the school. The event was going to be on Saturday but due to some issues and challenges, they prosponded it to Monday that is today.
I woke up as early as 6:00 am and brush my teeth, take my bath and prayed . I used 1 hour for all this staffs and after praying I dressed up and headed to campus. When I got to campus it was 7:30 am and the program was supposed to start at 8:00 meaning I went early. I went inside the program hall and sat by my friend and we started chatting until it was time for the program to start. We had a wonderful program and it was time for us to take pictures.

I was very happy and excited. I took some pictures and I headed to our department to fill some forms. I was looking for my best friend so we can take some pictures together.


I headed to the program hall . I knew I will find her there. I saw her and asked her to take some pictures with me. We went and snap the picture but she was shy because of the crowd. The place was crowded because every one wanted to take a picture. So due to that we took only one picture and it was beautiful. I really our smile.
After we finished taking the picture we were both hungry so we departed ways. I headed home to prepare something and eat because I didn’t even take my breakfast.
When I went home I prepared noodles and stew. It was very delicious. I really enjoyed it then after taking my noodles I decided to take a nap because I had a stressful day. And that was how I celebrated my matriculation day.

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