Just five (5) days to Christmas and eleven days to New year, what excitement that brings! Greetings to everyone in the community, I hope we are all doing well and much excited about the coming holidays. May we all live past It with good health and stay stronger together. I bring you another exciting edition of my diary game today, stay tune and let’s get interactive.
I had plans with my brother to go town today and complete the compulsory biometric registrations that was brought up in my country for all telecommunication SIM cards. We haven’t been able to do it for long time due to procrastination, but we made the move to go and do it today and also pass by a few places in town.

We set-off with our motor bike and I was the rider of course, my brother sat behind and off we departed from the house. Our first stop was at a computer repairer, we have been experiencing some challenges in turning on the laptop and we decided to take it to the repairer to have a look at it. I would like to state the problem so if any of you readers have ever encountered such a program with their PC as well can advise us on what to do or how to go about it, thank you. The problem with it was that, anytime we pressed the power button to boot it, it doesn’t come on but only gives off a blinking indication lights on the caps lock key on the keyboard. Even though it might turn after a multiple of tries, but it just does that too long and wouldn’t even turn on sometimes. Unfortunately for us the we were told to come back when he gives us a call signaling that he’s done with it, but we haven’t heard from him since. I hope it isn’t a really serious problem that would take much longer to repair.

We then continued with our journey, and our next stop was the telecommunication office at town, about a fifteen minutes ride from the repairer store. The problem I was have with going to town is where to park my motorbike safely, every spot for a motor park is usually already occupied or you have to pay for it. But the service at the telecommunication office was different, they had opened a motor and car park for people who come in for service which is a very good and secure thing. We parked our motor bike at the park and then moved towards the office to join a queue, but we were lucky enough to have a worker outside who told us he could do it for us and we wouldn’t have to stay in queue, lucky us right? I know! He did t for us in about twenty (20), a much longer than I thought it would take, but it was still better than staying in queue for hours. After we had finished with that, then it was time move again, we took our bike from the park and off we went tour next stop.

Our next stop was the Samsung office branch in town, I stopped to ask the cost of repairing a phone touch and screen. I had a broken phone that needed a change in screen and touch and I figured I should ask for the cost and start my contributions towards it repair. I was surprised to hear the cost of repairing the phone, way more than what I imagined. The amount I was given twice more than what I had and what I expected, so I had to withdraw from repairing the phone for now until I get the money to do that.

That was the end of our stops and now it was time to head back home since my brother kept complaining that he was hungry. And also, it was getting late and we had to back home before they start to ask questions of where we could be at that time.

That was the end of my day today and I’m glad to share with you all on the platform, and I hope to see even more interesting diaries that you all had today. It’s almost Christmas and the new year, I wish you all a merry Christmas in advance a glorious new year to come, stay safe and may all enjoy the last of the days of this year to fullest and make us healthy for next coming year.