Stream Greetings, Everyone. Welcome to this Blog where I'll share with you a recipe on how I prepared my lunch.
Spaghetti commonly known as Spag by Nigerians is one of the most eaten foods especially by students.
Nigerian students would tell you that they prefer it compared to rice, especially when they are very hungry and just need something to quickly quench their hunger. They could choose spaghetti over rice because it will be ready in less time compared to the time one could use to cook rice.
You'll be wondering why they don't go for noodles since it is faster to prepare but noodles fit in for breakfast and it won't multiply the way spaghetti will.
So, if there is enough cash and one is to choose between noodles and spaghetti for lunch, I believe 90% of Nigerians would pick spaghetti.
It is a packaged food just like noodles. Both might have similarities which includes being a packed food, being a fast food etc but there are differences which is, noodles come with seasonings but spaghetti doesn't.
A lot of people have different ways of preparing their spaghetti and today, I share with you my recipe on how I prepared mine.
I used this particular brand of spaghetti because it is my favorite. It is easier to moderate the water and not allowing the food too soggy when you cook this brand.
📌 Step one: In a clean kettle, put in some water and allow it to boil.
📌 Step Two: Do not break the spaghetti (you may want to do otherwise, no problem). Pour everything into a clean kitchen bucket or a big bowl. I don't want to parboil it. Like I said earlier, I don't want it soggy.
📌 Step Three: You'll have to cover the bucket for sometime. Five minutes is okay.
📌 Step Four: Drain the spaghetti and wash it with warm water and set aside.
📌 Step Six: Rinse your clean cooking pot and put it back in the fire.
📌 Step Seven: Add your groundnut oil. You can use red oil too if you want to but I just prefer this.
📌 Step Seven: The next step is adding your chopped onions and tomatoes if you have any. Since I don't have tomatoes, I added a left over stew.
📌 Step Eight: I added these spices to mine but you can add anyone you wish to yours. The red one is for coloring while the green is herbs. There are a lot of spices one can choose from in Nigeria but I prefer these.
📌 Step Nine: After the above, you can add your chopped pepper.
📌 Step Ten: At this point, I went in with my left over stew. But if you don't have that, you can pour in your well-washed spaghetti and stir.
📌 Step Eleven: You can add some seasoning cubes to it.
📌 Step Twelve: If it's not tasty to your preference, you can add some salt like i did and stir everything together. A little water should be added if need be and the pot should be covered for the content to cook.
📌 Step Thirteen: While it was cooking, I picked my protein. You can use any of your choice, meat, eggs etc but these are called CRAYFISH.
📌 Step Fourteen: After adding the crayfish, I allowed everything to cook and I stir it again to check if the taste was okay.
It was okay and I allowed the water dry off. After a minute or two, I served it. Looking yummy, right?
A Nigerian student will serve this with a very chilled drink. 😍
I hope you enjoyed the blog just like I enjoyed putting it together. Thank you so much. ❤️