One of the most educative movies:THE SMART MONEY WOMAN 09/10/2022

in hive-195150 •  3 years ago  (edited)

AND I FELT LIKE READING THE BOOK WILL TAKE ME LONGER TO GRAB ALL THE INFORMATION SO I DECIDED TO WATCH THE MOVIE ON’s just one season but it is one of the most life changing movies I have ever watched in my life
It teaches a lot about the use of money and talks about so many people’s present conditions especially girls.



The movie revolves around the lives of 5bestfriends that have different careers,come from different families and have different social relationships.
Zuri had a job in a real estate company and earned 500k a month and had a house on rent....had a car and had a boyfriend.She spent most of her money on vacations,dresses,designer bags and sponsoring outings and lunch for her friends.
Tami was a designer...she was very creative and had a lot of customers in and out of the country and always loved to look expensive and pretty...she was an only child ...she didn’t save...she didn’t want to take loans from the bank for her business...whenever she went broke...she took money from her dad or her boyfriends...she spent her money on massages...weekly facials treatment...expensive wigs and cloths
Ladun was married to a billionaires son who controlled his fathers company while he was in his sick bed...she could spend close to 3million just changing her wardrobe
She didn’t see a need to get a job or work cuz she was married to a rich guy and he claimed she had to stay home and take care of the kids and her husband and in return he had to spoil her by letting her spend his money
Adesuwa was a married and a lawyer ..she had a one male child and had a successful career with promotions because of her smart nature...she loved sport ..she loved hanging out with her friends...she always thought of the future and always saved up in banks and had her entire life planned out...the guy she married was jobless and always claimed that he had contracts here and there that one day he will blow but unfortunately they had a joint account...he would withdraw from there anytime and go spend with a side chick and come late home drunk and he was always angry at her when she asked why he removed money without a reason and will start shouting and it even got to a point where they slept in separate bedrooms and he didn’t even eat at home.
Lara was a journalist and always wrote articles for magazines..she came from a background where when her dad died she and her two siblings and mom were driven away from their home and sent to the streets...she struggled with life till she could pay her siblings school fees and get a home for them and got her job and she could and always provided for them.
She planned every step of her life and didn’t use money unnecessarily cuz she knew where she was from....until one day after sponsoring her kid bro till the university and giving him a car...he woke up one morning and was like he doesn’t want to go to school again and that he wants to follow his dream of being a footballer and he cut her off and insulted her....she laughed and asked him if he knew what she went through to put him in school just for him to abandon
She sent away to go meet his mom and follow his dreams from there...that if he doesn’t want school then he is on his own.she cried and it hurt her for him to say that but she stayed strong

That is the way the five girls lived their lives but when Zuri became broke...couldn’t pay her rent..her car broke down and her boyfriend broke up with her...she realized she had nothing left but yet she earns 500k a month
She asked her mom but her mom couldn’t give
She asked her elder brothers but they were earn 500k and you have no one asks you for money then how can u be broke??
She took out a book...and she made up her mind to turn her life around...even the way she spent money made her less consistent and efficient at work..her life was so luxurious...
She started what she called MONEY CLEANSE 🤷🏼‍♀️
She wrote down the following and asked herself questions like ...:
What do I need money for?
What do I spend money on every month?
What are my spending triggers?
She discovered that all her money went to monthly gym payments that she never used
And so she sold all the bags she didn’t need but wanted which went up to 450k
She didn’t do unnecessary facials every week with Tami and she started investing into companies and she put more time and effort into her job until she got a promotion...she sold her car and bought a less expensive one that could be maintained by her salary ...she paid her rent and she planned out every step of her life...even her friends couldn’t influence her to spend...she didn’t buy dresses...instead she wore the ones that she kept buying and piling in her wardrobe...her friends were impressed of how she changed...she was fully in control of her money..her career and her life...she met a new guy who was a billionaire and she got to learn a lot from him about getting more money and it was great for her.
Tami had challenges with her business because she had no business plan and whenever business went wrong she would call her dad and ask for money ....she decided to put her business skills right...she made a business plan for herself and took loans instead of asking dad and now she worked to fulfill the responsibilities of bank loans and she was able to stabilize herself.
Ladun’s husband lost his father...and everything was at risky since the old died without a will and owing over 4billion to many companies and banks so all his properties and companies were to be taken
She had to sell all the wardrobe she was getting for more than 3million
She got herself a job and decided to support her husband and they moved to a smaller house and she stopped spending uselessly
Lara has to forgive her brother and continued to take care of her family and was always there for them
Adesuwa’s jobless husband withdrawed all the money in the joint account which was her hard earn savings and travelled out of the country with the side chick
When she discovered...he had already left...she was broken ...she cried and yet she had a son and his future to take care of ....the guy was arrested but she made up her mind to start all over and to take care of her son...she obviously learnt her lesson ..
I recommend that every person should take out time to watch this is very very educative especially to young girls and guys .
Hope u enjoy reading the novel or watching the movie 💃🏻💃🏻

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I think the novel/movie is cool and i felt bad for the character adesuwa for what her hubby did to her she didn't deserve it and i also admire how she fought through it.

Yeah sometimes it’s not good to trust even the closest person to us

What a nice movie hope u learned much f it

Smart move not reading the book. Adesuwa and zuri are my favorite characters. But the movie didn't do enough justice to the book. But that's just my opinion. Try reading it in your leasure time, you might just see more to like about it.

@kendra237, please oh, don't be angry. Where can i find that ya spot like that? That same spot. I like it to the heavens and back😪😪.
Trust is a powerful thing. Don't give it at all if you can't bare when it is misused😥.

A woman with financial management methods and ideas, is a big asset to any family

What spot???

The grass 🌴🌵🌿🌱