#Club100 | The Diary Game | Betterlife with Steem (17/08/2022) : Prayer Cell Restraint and Breakdowns (#burnsteem25)

in hive-195150 •  2 years ago 

Hello my beautiful and lovely steemians, you know what time it is! It's another moment to share with you how i spent this beautiful day of Wednesday 17th August 2022. Hope you all like it.

Dear Diary,

As usual i woke up early enough and had my meditation and prayer time, then i fixed my bed and ironed my clothes. Thereafter I got my bath and i was ready to get to my workplace already. I still trekked to work today as usual and i arrived my work place at some minutes close to 8am.

On my way to the hospital

After i arrived, i went straight to the prayer room and 3 nurses were around! The atmosphere was very dry! I kept interceding in my spirit while waiting on someone to lead praise. Coz i normally don't know any praise songs, the only songs in my spirit are worship😁 i love it. Well she led the praise and i took over with worship then led prayers.

For what seemed like 25mins we prayed and i handed over the closing prayers to another nurse. We concluded and i greeted everyone then went in and put on my lab coat. Many of them are urging me to have a haircut, but me, I'm saying that, I'm wicked 😅. I went out and sat on the bench while the kids of some nurses came around me playing.

In the hospital waiting for patients

After having waited for a while, i went back to my laboratory. I love the place so we received few patients before 12pm and at 11am, they stopped coming, i began to chat with my intern then downloaded a worship song and within some seconds i wasn't with her anymore🤣 i switched to spirit mode. She left and went to the maternity while i went deep into prayer. Then finally i got my bible for my bible study from 12:45pm to 1:30pm.

In my lab studying the first 8 chapters of Mark

After doing that, i got online to check on the deacon in charge of the prayer cell we were to go to today. Well he told me that he was discussing with our pastor coz he too wanted to come and we fixed our time to 3:15pm. Normally i close at 4pm, while i was fixing my stuff to leave already, a last patient came in for her ANC tests.

Can you imagine this woman of close to 30years was scared of injection? I mean, have you ever seen a grown up behaving like a child? I saw it today. I don't know how my colleague did with her, but i rushed and got a bike to meet Deacon Etienne.

I met him and i kept having the feeling that i left something in that lab, immediately i checked my bag and indeed i couldn't find my charger!. We then left for papa's place with his bike so we could leave together. We arrived papa's place and we waited for him to prepare. Since he had a car we prefered to use his car because of the weather.

At papa's place waiting for him

We all finally left Bagangte to Tchindim a little village after Banekane in the car and the discussion in the car was cool. I just sat at the back listening to the discussion and giving my opinion when necessary.

In the car with Papa and Deacon Etienne

Brethren as you know spiritual things are bizarre, immediately we wanted to get into the entrance of where the prayer cell was, our car stopped abruptly. If you never believe in spiritual attacks then you don't know. Papa had been telling us that he needed to put fuel but finally didn't, so the first thing we thought about was to get fuel.

Deacon Etienne went to town to get the fuel while papa and i continued our discussion. Finally he came back at 4:30pm and filled the 10l fuel but we try to start the car and nothing🥲 sarcastically, pastor said "welcome to Tchindim". It sounded funny but was deeper that we thought.

We tried all means to get the car going to no avail, then finally we succeeded in lifting the car from it's position to a place a little better but the accelerator wasn't giving enough fire. The car needed to be forced to go forward. We parked it by the road and trekked to the place.

We arrived and met the people already praying so deacon Etienne took over and prayed again a little and everyone sat, except me of course coz i was interpreting into french. Papa then took over and it was a whole session of discussion.

At the Prayer Cell
At the Prayer Cell

After the discussions ended, it was time for prayer, some got baptised with the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues, then the power of God broke out and there were 2 deliverance cases.

Remember i said we had a breakdown, one of the demon possessed confessed they were the ones who did it (7 witches). These woman wasn't even aware we had a breakdown oh! She said the gospel will never be preached in that land, but as usual, demons like to blab. In the name of Jesus both of them got delivered and we dedicated the house and on our way we went.

We left there at 7pm and managed the damaged car till we arrived papa's place. Deacon and i wanted to rush back home but Mama insisted we sat and eat first! She cooked boiled corn and groundnut, so we sat there and diminished it first 😅 i broke my fast with that.

At papa's place eating boiled corn and groundnut

After we ate we then left at 8pm. Little did we know that the fuel in deacon Etienne's bike too was almost finished. We were still in papa's quarter when the bike began to misbehave then stopped. We pushed to the road and thank God for another bike rider who helped us get fuel from the town to give to us.

Deacon Etienne and i left and continued with our journey. He left me beside my house and as i wanted to get into my house i remembered my charger! I trekked to my worksite again to get my charger from the lab. I arrived there and 2 nurses were on duty, they thought i came to sleep too and we're very happy😁.

One of them cooked water fufu and Eru and promised to bring mine to work but i left earlier so she gave it to another person. We went together to her place coz she lives just a stone throw from hospital, she got mine and i went back home with it.

On my way home i bought a bottle of something to push things down. I arrived home and heated the Eru then i wiped it off immediately. That was at 10pm and soon was my prayer time.

The water fufu and Eru my colleague gave me

I texted with some people and mentored one of my mentees then had a little nap and at 12:45am i was up then had my prayers. Till now i haven't slept 😅 but I'm going as soon as I post this diary, i won't review any posts but sleep a little. Thank you for your kind attention and don't forget to always pray.


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Wow we thank God for grace. When I was going through this diary of yours I kept asking myself a lot of questions. One of which was what has happened to my spiritual life. Thanks for this post bro it's an encouraging one for me and a reminder that I need to wake up from slumber. You are blessed sir.

We really bless God for grace. If not i don't know which kind of accident could happen to us.
As for your spiritual life, i believe you can get it back up and running. If you have identified the problem then the solution is just beside.

Incase you need any help, you can still get to me via WhatsApp and we check sense. Spiritual life is very very important for your relationship with God.

Thanks for your blessed comment, I'm indeed blessed.
#SteemOn #letsCommentCmr

However what attacked the spiritual realm hold released by their own witchcraft , is nothing against prayers from .The genuine server of true God , there you people did witnessed without knowing . But at last God revealed as one of them confessed . All glory to God. Your day was not bad was very okay.

Oh yes! Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers them from them all