in hive-195150 •  2 years ago 

Hello to all, i trust y'all doing great, here's another diary session which is the one of Thursday the 9th of February 2023. I woke up this day happy and overwhelmed because it's a new day and he who says new day says new blessings.

I woke up at 5am and did my morning prayers, then i got my bath and looked for my clothes to put on. I had slept really late since i was at a vigil last night, nonetheless i did my best to be at work on time. At 7:35am i was already off for work and i trekked to work.

On my way to work

As i arrived and as usual, we had our morning devotion as i led the prayers and worship. We finished and i went to my duty post. It was a nice and cool day, o followed the doctor for rounds and since there was no light i had to connect the generator and make sure it functions. It'll be tough for me if i wanted to analyze samples without electricity.

We finished the rounds and i left the doctor and went back to my laboratory. After a little bit of laughter and worrying the nurses on duty, i went out to take some fresh air.

on my getting fresh air

After that it was already 12pm so it was my prayer time, i began to pray but i had the impression from my spirit that i needed refueling and i needed to fill the gap. I went for my bible and opened to the book of acts. And just like that i began with bible study😅 it lasted for more than 2 hours. I wanted to stop but my pen kept on writing and wondering what type of men were the apostles.

After the bible study i noticed it was already past 2pm and i had a patient at the hospital who cane for her first visit. I prayed for a while and i went to switch on the Gen. I came back and finished with her tests and handed over the results.

Bible study time

I finished that and soaked my lab jackets together with that of my colleague to wash it the next day. I went also and cleaned my lab ready to leave the hospital for church immediately. I left and noticed i had forgotten something and went and got it. Then i taught to the nurse in charge how to switch on the generator in case lights don't come back at night.

I then left with the doctor, we trekked till the point where he had to stop at a restaurant to eat while i continued with a bike to church. I arrived at church at 4:45pm and the service had begun with hot praise without instrument. I joined and we danced together. Then we began to worship and unknown to me, the special number i sang on Sunday kept ringing in the pastor's spirit and he asked me to resting it before he begins to teach.

I did as instructed and they switched on the Gen of the church. We had a beautiful teaching about rebellion and how it kills the lion spirit on us from the story of Saul and Samuel in 1 Samuel 15. The teaching was wonderful and i had a really great time in the presence of God. Service was over and i was on my way back, one of the Deacon's carried me on his bike back to my home. I arrived the house and bought myself 2 packs of groundnuts and went back to drink my Garri and break the fast of the day.

IMG_20230209_194928_239.jpgMy supper

I finished eating and enjoying myself, i went online and we had a little meeting online. When it finished i logged into Steeming and did some work before going back to WhatsApp to chat with other friends. It was about 10pm that lights came back to Bangangte. Then i waited for midnight and i went to bed at 2am. Thank you for reading theought my diary and God bless you!

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Hello @majerius great write up. I see how committed you're at work, spiritual life and more. You're a person one can admire his ways . Your photos are nice and clean. I wished i was in your church to here the special number you sang. Well i guess it was the best song of 2023. YOU'RE A GREAT MAN. stay blessed and safe🙏

Thank you so much brother, I'm humbled by your comment. Indeed keeping a balance between work and spirituality is important for one's life. I try as much as possible to keep up with both spiritual growth and secular job😅. As fit the special number you might know the song by Theophilus Sunday called Agaba.🙏🏾🙏🏾 Thank you for passing by my post brother. I'm grateful.


@majerius I love how you cope with ur work😩❤️.Keep it up and continue the good work