The Dairy Game : Visiting My Village Market To Buy Food Stuffs For The Family After So Many Years Of Leaving The Village // 22-02-2024

in hive-195150 •  4 months ago 

Image taken with my phone

Hello Dear Friends,

Happy New month and happy Sunday to you all in this wonderful community @steemcameroon. What a day that the lord has made and has given us to be a partaker of the blessings of today and also to have fellowship among other saints in him. I pray even as we all fellowship in the light today, that God will grant all our heart desires, Amen.

Lack of electricity and poor network has been a major factors that delayed me from sharing my experiences at our village market when I went to buy some food stuffs for the family. Those experiences are what I will be sharing with you now.

I woke up that morning at exactly 5:30 Am. The rest of my family members had already assembled at our parlor having our morning prayers, so I quickly joined them. Praying together as a family whenever we are all home, has always been our custom. It was long prayer session that finally ended around some minutes pass 7 Am.

Then we all came out and engaged ourselves on different morning chores. While my aunt was making breakfast, my sweeping the compound, I went to the bore hole and fetched water for the family. After the chores, I freshened up, had my breakfast and stepped out for a while and visited a friend. When I came back, I carried a mat and spread outside under a mango tree and took a nap.

In the afternoon when I woke up, I decided to go to the market to buy some food stuffs for the family. It was our village main market day " the afor market", and I have not gone to the market for a very long time. So when I got to the market, I was lost and confused because the settings has changed in the market.

Image taken with my phone

So I began to ask for directions from people and the kept directing me to the different sections where I can buy all the things that I wanted. First I went to the section where they sell yams and bought some yams.

Image taken with my phone.

After buying some yams, I proceeded to the section where vegetables were sold and bought some vegetables that we used in preparing soup for dinner for the family.

Image taken with my phone.

When I finished buying the vegetables, I headed to the house. On reaching the house, I handed over all that I bought to my siblings. It was already evening, so my aunt made dinner with some of the things I brought, served everyone and we ate and all retired for the day.
Thank you for reading my post and I hope to read yours too.

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