The theories of the classroom are not those on the field. We learn to be able to execute or apply. Without the practical classes we are not yet in the life of now. Reading and writing is just another world from touching instruments, equipment, apparatus or interacting.
A reason why some trainings have internship periods or field classes to be able to relate classroom and practical work.
For me as an engineering student, we have had a course from the firsr year, LABORATORY PRACTICE meant to effectively touch and exercise our theoretical know how.
Upon completion of my degree program a month back, I got a first job on a structure out of Bamenda, precisely Nkambe a village in the North West region. Well before rge Anglophone crises in Cameroon one could take 2 hours a trip at the cost of 3000 to 50000fcfa to arrive Nkambe. But with the current insecurities, a trip to Nkambe is a full day going through Bafoussam at the cost of 25000fcfa.
My mission here is to control the construction of a Community hall funded by the UNITED NATIONS DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM, UNDP and executed by ETS JUBUS CONSTRUCTION. ETS JUBUS CONSTRUCTION called me after retaining my contact during my internship period with them during my third year of study in Ndu, a neighboring village to the present locality.
From their review I proved comprehension abilities and zeal to know more which to them were good qualities of an Engineer.
I am not yet ready in a 1000 candidates for this job but must say am blessed to be on the field barely weeks from my Academic defence. Theoretically I and many know the concepts but 10 in a hundred can apply. The difficulty in application is not a big deal but the zeal to learn and know even with the harsh conditions on the field.
In December the UNIVERSITY OF BAMENDA will graduate over 5000 students im various works of life, you reading may be part or know someone,
- do you think you can cope with the field demands, pressure and frustration 1 week from graduation?
- How ready are you to apply 3 to 7 years of studies?
- Will you be able to tell your subordinates what to do or they will you what to do?
- Should your parents be proud of you graduating or you will like to go back to school?
1000 questions but certainly it will be too late to answer any once you wear a robe.
Its now or never, if you are yet to graduate, with or without a school demanding internship, make out time and go to the field to learn hoe it works there. Truth be told its something different from what the professors preach on a daily.
So many of us run from this practice period because its time consuming and costly but its worth it. Am certainly not a perfect example for you to follow but I spent 6 months in NDU, a high risk zone when it comes to network, no acquaintances, on and off network, I mean totally off my daily routine. You can bear with me it has paid off.
No matter what you do in school at this point in time find a practical mentor already and start learning. Once or twice a week, only you will tell a success story.
Brace up now or larment when u get the job.