Hello my dear friends, I am here to remind you of something, I know we are all in for our hustle and all of that but do you know that you can get into a life threatening issues ignorantly? You might ask how? That is why I am here with this article today so you understand Why and How.
As you going out struggling to make earns meet for yourself and family, be so weary of things you do, be very conscious of the opportunities you grab some of them are free and open ticket to your doom.
When opportunities shows up at work place, school, church and every other place and they do not conform with your moral values please just let it slide, it wasn't meant for you, the catch might be tasty but there is a hidden doom underneath you wouldn't want to see.
Not every opportunities are meant to be grabbed, some are just meant to slide, infact not every instances should be seen as opportunities, you never can tell the level pains they will cause you.
Guard your morals with all intentionality, do not let it down for the world, it is the only thing that will seperate you from the world. Your value can only felt when you are not acting like the regular people do so do not try to fit in.
Stay true to your course, none of these vices is worth embracing, wait for your time to come, while waiting, be prepared and allow yourself grow into the person you have always dreamt of, do not be in a rush to grab opportunities, premature growth is the worst kind of growth you shouldn't ever pray for.
Be so immersed in the process and do not be distracted by what is happening around you, time and chance happen to men, patiently wait for your own perfect time, it will certainly come no matter how long it takes and when it does you will realize what you are seeing as a greener pasture now was a bait to make you loose focus on the dream life you are living.
Do not let your guard down because of peer pressure and let opportunities slide, be yourself and be who you want to be, act like a king and stay true to yourself. thank you for having me my friends.