Hello Steemians, I hope you all are having a wonderful day?, I would like to get your attention for some minutes, it will be worth it. Our everyday life has always been filled with one challenge or the other, but some times these challenges are not for our destruction just as Fear has always been telling us but for the betterment of our lives as human. Permit me to take you on this lane as I will be telling you from my own perspective the different meanings of fears.
Firstly, I will like to define fear as "a contending system against our inner strength". Okay let me break that down, Fear only comes to contend with your inner strength as a human being, it begins to inject doubt to your spirit mind and for some reasons, you start doubting your inner strength, you start feeling less of yourself, at some point, you begin to question your abilities and inabilities. Fear speaks louder than courage in your mind but carries no weight, it blinds your mind towards the beautiful side of every challenge. But then, when courage speaks, it is always slow and steady, it gives you a renewing hope, when you're so engraved in fear, the works of courage will be seen as nothing compared the how big fear will project your challenges.this is exactly how fear makes you see your challenges
Moreso, Fear keeps whispering anxiety to your soul, it keeps feeding you with the lies you would likely believe, such as; you can't do it, remember your colleague one tried it, you know you just can't finish this task, why not ask for a lesser one?, Do you think you will survive out of your comfort zone?. At this point, you will feel restless and helpless, you begin to see negativity in every challenge, you just can't stop praying so you won't be faced with any challenge. When you're exhibiting the spirit of fear, your shell will be your home, you feel you have nothing tangible to offer to the world, as such you will just live your life as an ordinary person and die as one.
Secondly, permit me also to define fear based on each letter word.
F - Forget
E - Everything
A - And
R - Run
You see what Fear is telling you?, It is telling you, forget everything and run, everything you have laboured for, forget it, every sacrifice you have out into that task, forget it, just count everything as loss and run!!!!!!!!. Fear will give you the strength to run but will never give you the zeal to fight for what is yours, fear will show you the widest path to run but will never show you the narrow way to get things done.
The mystery behind fear is just " Run away". It doesn't come with the zeal and passion to live, fear only tells you to commit suicide or just get depressed when things are not turning out good, but will never tell you to dust yourself and get going. There is more to life than just running away, remember "quitters don't win" only the strong ones can stand the test of time.
YES!, you can overcome fear and that is the Goodnews. You just don't have to sit in your comfort zone and tell yourself "everything will be alright", you have to work towards actualizing this, remember "faith without works, Is dead". You have to put things inorder, there are more for you to work on than just proclaiming courage, you need to carry this, you have to break free of this system so you. An as well be free.
Let me show you some few things to do inorder to be an ex-prisoner of fear. •Be intentional about life; don't not just get up and start doing things, before you are about to embark on a certain project, come to a conclusion with your spirit man if you are genuinely in need of this.
• Speak more of positivity; there is a saying that goes "there is power in spoken words". Yes it is true, there iz much power on the tongue that you can ever imagine, speak positivity even when the challenges seems not to be ending soon, out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks, let your heart be filled with positive words like; I can do it, yes, it doesn't matter how long it will take, I will do it, I might be afraid to die but there are thousand reasons to live.
• Stay far away from negative people; if you have these set of people in your circle, please filter, let go off them, it might hurt but it will be worth it, you cant afford to lose your sanity to negativity. Be with those who sees positive things even in the most ugliest situations.
• Be devoted to evolving, evolve with the world, everyday, the universe evolve, be ready to evolve with the universe, this alone will make you realize how versatile of a person you are.
• The last but not the least is; wakeup every morning with the mind of facing one challenge or the other, this alone prepares your mind for the worst scenerio. Ofcourse, how bad can life be when you are ready for the worst of all?
There is more to your strength than you can ever imagine, fear is just a puppet in the system of life and should be treated as one. There is no limit to what you can achieve if only you have the desire to. Be encouraged. Life itself is a big challenge you have to fight with everyday, don't let your guard down, you are more than ordinary. Break lose of that prison, the light is shining much brighter for you Stay motivated.