The Diary Game Season 3|| My weekend|| 5-06-2022

in hive-195150 •  2 years ago 

Greetings to steem-cameroon!


How y'all doing! I wasn't well but now I'm good and I hope everyone here is faring well too.
I will present a two day diary of Saturday and Sunday below.


I woke up very late because I haven't been feeling so well and not having good rest either.

I needed this rest because I could barely sleep at night coupled with the manner of little cried of now and then from my little bunny baby.

My husband, he had earlier left in the morning and he came back and asked me to visit a nearby clinic to run some tests, that I did and malaria was positive.

Within these moments, I had serious headache and I couldn't stir at light of any sought talkless of using my phone. The mere sight of lights on in my room was making my head feels like exploding.

I couldn't go online, neither could I watch television and loved being just inside my room and it wasn't easy for me as a lactating mother.

Sunday Morning

I got up this morning and prepared my kids for service as they were on their way, I went back to sleep because of an excruciating back and joint pain I have been experiencing lately.

I was on medication and slowly I was getting better and stronger. I was smiling because atleast I was grateful it was during the weekend and my kids were taking good care of me than I could ever imagined.

Mind you! The little things we teach our kids are very vital as we don't know what tomorrow holds.

My 10 years old son that Sunday after church did almost everything for my from wiping his little brother to changing his nappy during my bedridden Saturday and Sunday. He fed him and backed him often when he wanted to play silly before sleeping.

I think that feeling alone got me to my feet again. I was really better and I'm glad I always taught him the little things that made him do the bigger ones which completely won my heart away.




My son🌹 backing his sibling, captured by my husband

Sunday Afternoon

My mother was coming to town to check up on me and guess what she brought! Accra garri which I have not tasted her handmade Accra for sometime.

It goes with the appellation Accra cassava because it's a combination of cassava and overriped banana mixed and pounded and after which a bit of salt is been added before hand rolling into different smaller fine circles.

My kids made this beautiful pepper and we enjoyed it with the Accra.



It looks mouth-dripping right🤪 That's how we enjoyed it😋

My elder sister @monjuagnes later joined us at home and she was lucky to have a taste too.

Sunday Evening

We chatted while she helped me fried groundnut for melancee which banana cooked with groundnut. She did the cooking and after staying outside for so long I was so strong like I had felt for two days.

My corn in the farm was supposed to be mulched last week but since I wasn't feeling well I kept on extending and I definitely think it will be really grassy.

I thought of that and pleaded she assist me in the farm which she opted we go there on a ghost town.


I was very happy because she told me she was coming with her two beautiful daughters. Though my husband and her laughed profusely at me saying you're not well but only thinking about farming. I didn't respond because the farm was also a burden each time I thought about how the grass will spoil my corn

I then went and accompanied her and as we bid farewell, I returned and sent straight to bed.

Thanks for reading my Post 🌹

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Wow sis ashia for the pain I understand what you were going through. But thank God you are feeling a lot better now. Thanks a lot for the akra cassava it was so delicious especially the pepper, the pepper was excellent. I enjoyed the day🥰🥰

Thanks for your kind words, I'm grateful.

You're welcome my dear, we should make some Accra ohh

Steem greetings @monjuapollonia,

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I cannot believe it! You were not well and yet, you replied on posts. Thank you for being their for Steemians!

As for your son, mommy, you are doing a great job with your children. Kindly tell your son that this aunty says he is AWESOME!

You're welcome darling steemit friends are worth more like gold.

Thank you very much and I just did and Guess! He smiled and said thank you.

I can't wait for him to be in highschool to have his own phone to meet you dear

Oh wow! That will be great! Another Steem kid that I can mentor. I cannot wait!