Speaking Secrets!

in hive-195150 •  5 months ago 

Greetings to you Steem mates, I am trusting that everyone is kicking strong at their own angle.

Today, I am delighted to share my thoughts about how some public speaking principles can enhance your presentation skills.

  1. Know your audience: this is about determining the demographics of the audience, their level of understanding, level of knowledge on the subject of discussion and their interests or pain points. This will enable you know the kind of language to use, the type of examples (relatable) and references to make or not to make. When you know who you are talking to, the conversation becomes easier.

Story time!

  1. Maintain eye contact: it is said that "the best presentations are given in form of conversations." When we are talking with someone we maintain eye contact to let them know that their attention is desired. This creates a connection with the audience and connection is necessary for impact.

  2. Engage your audience: by asking thought-provoking questions to encourage participation. You can also engage your audience introducing humor (relevant to the message or subject of discussion.) When people laugh they relax. When they relax, they pay attention. Relaxation is also contageous energy, so when your audience relax, you equally relax. Relaxation is the area where creativity and excellence lie. When you are calm, you are at your strongest, and smartest state.

  3. Paint a picture: this is one of the most effective ways to hold your audience spellbound to your presentation. About 64% of our daily conversations are made up of storytelling. This means that everyone loves a good story. Master how to tell stories and your next presentation, or classroom sessions as a teacher, lecturer or preacher will never be the same again. This principle is powerful because it works for all demographics. Learn how to tell stories. They work 100% of the time, provided you are a good storyteller. So learn it now, start by listening to good storytellers like Les Brown.

  4. Make sure that you don't go OT (off topic): This means that your questions, humor, examples and stories should be all be relevant to your topic of discussion. No matter how good a story or joke is, if it doesn't explain your main topic of discussion further, don't tell it.

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