The Reason Justifies Not The Means!

in hive-195150 •  4 months ago 

Steem greetings

Beautiful people!

I hope we all had a wonderful day!

I just finished reading this book called The Day Before Tomorrow, by Dr. Madison Ngafeeson. One of Cameroon's finest leaders in the United States of America. The Day Before Tomorrow talks about the most precious gift we have, which is called "this very moment." It talks about living each day to the fullest. Dr. Madison suggests practical ways to navigate through yesterday, today, and tomorrow in a fulfilling way.


I picked one of the stories in this book that illustrates the power of the right mindset. Let me explain it with a story I titled "The Why Does Not Justify The How!"

There's a story about two boys (let's call them Derrick and Daniel) who were raised by an abusive father and a defenseless mother. Their father was a drug addict and a violent man who had been to prison multiple times. He was an irresponsible abuser who thrived on neglecting his family. Their mother later passed away from a fatal illness, and the boys were left with their abusive father. Growing up amidst this level of irresponsibility, the two boys became men who seemed to be complete opposites. Derrick inherited his father's lifestyle and became a reckless and violent man who abused women, sold drugs, and had been imprisoned several times. Daniel, on the other hand, grew up to be a responsible gentleman. He worked hard, got an education, and became a medical doctor. He has a beautiful family with a cute son and daughter.

When people who knew these brothers saw how differently they turned out, like night and day, they were both amazed and curious. They wondered how two people raised in the exact same conditions could grow up to be so different.

In prison, when a psychologist asked Derrick what pushed him to get involved in such a reckless life, he explained how he was raised in that kind of lifestyle, which is why he became irresponsible. He said he was "an apple that didn't fall far from its tree."

When Daniel was asked how he managed to be so successful despite being raised in those harsh conditions, he said he was raised by an abusive father who didn't care about them or their mother. So, he made a promise to himself to never be like his dad. That's why he worked hard, remained disciplined, and eventually became a very successful man compared to his brother, Derrick.

This is an illustration of the saying, "Life doesn't happen to you the way it does, it happens to you the way you see it, based on your belief system."

I agree with Jim Rohn when he said, "It is important to always stand on the positive side of how everything turns out in our lives." Because we don't have control over the things that happen, but we do have control over how we respond to them.

So, a word of encouragement to anyone out there who is going through a difficult phase in their life. Nothing that happens is meant to break us; rather, it happens to make us stronger. Let's be strong and positive in our view of life. Let's keep striving to do better, and dawn will come.

"When things go wrong, don't go with them." - Les Brown

Cheers 👏

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Good work!