Your Inner child!

in hive-195150 •  4 months ago 

Don't Lose It!

Steem greetings from Bamenda City to you Steemians!

Before a child is conceived, about 100-150million sperms compete for one female egg. These 150million sperms go through all kinds of physiological barriers and filtering mechanisms of the female reproductive system.

Out of these 150 million sperm cells only one is required for fertilization to occur and the sperm cell that survives this vigorous process is the one that fertilizes the egg and a child is conceived and then born.


This is to say that we are all born WINNERS. We are all born with greatness, but most people do not know how to tap into their greatness.This is because most people neglect "the law of Use" for a long time in the course of their growth and development.

The law of use states that "Whatever you do not use, you lose."
If you were asked to sit down on a chair and not move for 700 days, the day they ask you to move you won't be able to walk because you've not been using your legs.

When we were children we had very big dreams and we had that natural eager desire to win, that audacious nature. But as we grew up and the challenges of life set in, and we left our God-given gifts or talents unutilized for a long time, this vivacity was lost. Our inner child was put to sleep.

When we lose our inner child, the tendency is that we settle for an average life. A life smaller in quality than that which we can offer ourselves, if we tap into the treasure of our greatness.

You step into your greatness by discovering that one thing that you love doing. When I am speaking, I get a feeling of home. The stage has become home to me because speaking is what I love doing.

When you have found what you are passionate about. learn how to do it well and never stop upgrading and refining your knowledge. Finding what you love to do depends on your reasons for wanting to do it.

Strong reasons will act as a source of strength to keep going when obstacles come and they will come.

Learn how to do it and have fun doing it. Get paid doing it and most importantly. Positively touch the lives of people in your society doing what you love doing.

Don't lose your inner child. If he or she is asleep, please wake them up.


Milton Vernyuy

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Wow.This is insightful. I really appreciate this and it makes me think of the dreams I had while growing up and many people do have dreams too. But many end at the level of dreaming because working it out is like childbirth (conceiving, incubating, labor that comes with pain and then childbirth) Not everyone wants to go through the process either because of the discomfort it brings or the impossibility of the dreams coming alive, which is signaled by the environment they find themselves in. I made an observation of Cameroon’s youths and I discovered that many dream, but the nature of the country has limited so many. So they just put a notice of no trespassing on their dreams and potential. The reason why you would see an engineer in a teacher's clothing, thus leaving their inner child to sleep and when ever this happens, they teach with no passion, go to school when they like or when there is an inspection. This reduces the quality of education that the students at that level should receive. Students graduate with certificates and nothing to show for. Lossing the inner child does not only frustrate the individual but the entire nation in one way or the other.What is a nation without vision (inner child, purpose)?????
But there still exist those who would kick the limits off their potential and would pay the price of awakening the inner child in them. And awakening the inner child in us would cost us something but it is worth the price. Thank you for sharing mrspeaker