20% payout to steem cameroon // Climate change, it’s causes, effects and practical solutions

in hive-195150 •  3 years ago 

20% payout to @steemcameroon


Good day to everyone in this wonderful community, I trust we’re all doing great. I have written a number of good contests organized by @thegreens about climate change and farming in our communities and today I will be making a post about Climate Changes, it’s causes, effects and solutions.

Evidence of climate change around us is real. These changes are nothing new but off late they are having great effect of us, places and wildlife around us. If you want to know what climate change is and why it matters, please keep reading my post and learn more about its causes, effects, and practical solutions we can put in place to stopping it.

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You might be wondering what climate change is, but before that you might have heard of global change too. These two are used interchangeably because they describe changes on earth's climate.



Most of the climate changed we experience are mainly caused or accelerated by our very own activities. Below are some activity that accelerate climate changes around us.

  • Agriculture
    Agriculture plays a major role on the impact of climate change. Agriculture causes deforestation to secure a land for the farming of crops or livestocks and transportation of these items and because of this, it is responsible for a significant for the worlds greenhouse gas emissions.
    But how ever, it also helps reduce the rate of CO2 released in the atmosphere.

  • Deforestation
    Deforestation and climate change always goes hand in hand. climate change does not only increase deforestation by way of wildfires and other extreme weather, but deforestation itself is also a major contributor to global warming.
    Since deforestation is the second leading in contributor to global greenhouse gasses and because of this, people and organizations are fighting hard against climate change point to reducing deforestation to slow or prevent climate change.

  • Human Activity
    Human activities such as the burning of fossil fuels for electricity, heat, and transportation increase the rate of climate change. Transportation in the form of cars, trucks, ships, trains, and planes emits the largest percentage of CO2 into the atmosphere causing global warming and a significant increase in climate change.



Climate change has the below effect on us humans.

  • Extreme Weather
    Change in weather is now the commonly noticed effect of climate change an average person could know. Extreme weather such as influenced by climate change includes: heatwaves, wildfires, flooding, heavier droughts e.t.c influence climate change

  • Health
    Climate change could impact on peoples health and this highly depends on your location and age. Climate change has already affected the health of many people.
    Climate change health risk include; heat-related illness, asthma and cardiovascular disease from air pollution, diseases from poor water quality, water and food supply insecurities

  • Long Term Impact of Climate Change
    The long term impact of climate change might devastating to the planet and everyone and everything living on it. If the world continues on harmful activities we are causing on the planet, then we will surely continue to see increasing effects on everyday life.

With the above effects of climate change, females are those we suffer the most. During extreme weathers like drought, females in the rural areas walk long miles get to get water for the family where this water they even collect isn’t in good condition for use and therefore putting their lives at risk.



While climate change is increasing, so action can be employed which can help curb away climate change where we won’t face the worst consequences. Below are some ways which we can adapt to battle climate change.

  • Reduce food waste
    I suggest we should reduce the way we waste food and always prepared food in the capacity we can consume. And even our religions frown against food wastage.
    In the Holy Bible this is what is been said

And when they had eaten their fill, he told his disciples, “Gather up the leftover fragments, that nothing may be lost.”
Reference: John 6:13 ESV

And also in the Holy Quran:

‎”O children of Adam! Attend to your embellishments at every time of prayer. and eat and drink and be not extravagant. surely He does not love the extravagant.”
Reference: Surah al-A’araaf 7:31.

When this is done, I believe the rate of poverty caused by climate change can also be reduced since there will be abundant of food.

  • Recycle
    Recycle of waste products such as plastic should be encouraged as it goes a long way in preventing or reducing climate. You might ask how that is possible, waste products like plastic when burnt also releases a lot of gases into the atmosphere but when they are recycled, this can be prevented. Or the replacement of plastics with paper can also play a major role in the system.

  • Stop using fossil fuels
    The use of fossil fuels should be discouraged and renewable source of energy should be employed because fossil fuels releases a lot of gases in the air thereby increasing the rate of climate change.

  • Stop deforestation
    We as human can stop bad feeling of trees in the forest to help reduce climate change. One might ask, so now we do our mothers and sisters at the rural areas prepare their dishes since they highly depend on firewoods for cooking or how will they build their homes since woods are materials needed for building. Okay, with that when you cut down one (1), I suggest you plant 2 or more trees to replace that particular one you cut down.
    So afforestation should be encouraging everyone around the world anddeforestation should be avoided


When the solutions above are been employed and put into practical actions, the rate at which climate change increases can be reduced and also the rate at which our parents at the rural areas most especially our sisters and mothers suffer during drought to get water for the family can be reduce. These even endangers their life’s at some point. Thank you very much for your time, I hope you enjoyed my write up.

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20% payout to @steemcameroon

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