in hive-195150 β€’Β  2 years agoΒ 
On the 17, i was so so so occupied πŸ˜„. I woke up in the morning to make breakfast for my mom, and left it half way to go and send some ones momey that i was owing. I went down the street and sent to his mobile money and came back home. I had break fast and used the gas to warm water so i could use to bathe. I took my bath, got a bike and went to town to ask the price of a tv and a stabilizer for my elder sis who gave me an assignment to enquire the prices for her.

When i got to town, i searched around the line were the Nigerian sell those things. I went to a lady were we usually putchase elections for the church and for other people, and met my mothers elder brother inside. I greeted him and told him my aim for being in town. I asked for the price of the different tv inches and if they are smart TV or normal TV. I came outside and met him still standing and checking what he was buying. He wanted to buy a bed, matras and a generator. He had them to buy them at different shops since the shop that sells the electronics does not sell beds and bicycles. He asked where he could get the other stuffs since his based out of town in the french speaking part of the country where he works and only come to bamenda for visiting and business. He paid for the generator and got the receipts and told the lady that we were coming to carry it after we are through with the buying.


I took him to were they sell matras beds and we got into the shop an saw the different types of beds. They showed him many kinds and how long the can last, and he said they should give him a good one but not a red color because he doesn't liked the color red. The guy at the shop sent his sales boy to go to their ware house and bring any other color and we paid and took the receipts and told them that we will come and carry after we are done with the buying in town.

We went to search for a bicycle for his son in the near by shops were bicycles are sold. We went and saw some imported bicycles but many had rust issues and some were not looking good to him. I suddenly remembered that one of our neighbors in the quarters parents traveled to America about 6months back to carry their grand child and came back a week ago. The came with many things in imported containers. I told my uncle about it and we he asked me to call and enquire if there were some bicycles in the goods they brought from America. I called and the guy said there were bicycles, but all of them had been dismantled and put together to economize space when shipping. We asked if there were big bicycles and he said yes. The guy asked us to meet him at their restaurant in town and my uncle and i went there. When we got there we didn't see any bicycles, all we saw were dresses and pots being spread on a large capet by the road for sale. I asked him why he told us to come when there were no bicycles and he said the bicycles were at home not at the restaurant since it had not been rebuilt and due to space to pack many of the goods in the restaurant. We asked him whats next and he said he can go and bring some of the bicycles for us to see and if we like it then we can carry it to a bicycle repairer to build it up. I told my uncle that bicycles are of different types and since they are many of them, we can go with they guy and choose the best, and since he doesn't likes the red color they guy may bring red or something he doesn't like and that would be wastage of transportation.


We followed the youngman and went to the quarter and saw the different bicycles and selected the biggest one that was black, but there was no handle on it. The guy said the bicycles repairer has the handle and we just need to accept to take the bicycles and he will bring it intact and we can pay. We took the bicycle to town and stopped at the guys restaurant and waited for him to go and mount it and come. While waiting, we ordered for two plates of Achu to it and wait for him.


By the time we were almost done, the guy for the bicycles said they couldn't find the handle of the bicycles. My uncle was in a haste because he had to travel back that night and he might miss a car if he doesn't meet up with what he planned to do. He was kind of disappointed for wasting about 3hours going up and down looking for that bicycle. I told him of another place at sonac street and we paid the food we ate, washed our hands took a bike to the place and saw many bicycles but there were more expensive. We asked many different places but they were too expensive. The guy at the restaurant wanted to give he's at a cheaper price because there were imported goods and i wasn't their main business in town. We went and met a man and he agreed to give at our price buy according to what i realized, the bicycle's brake line was tied up because it was keep on a steep slope so it doesn't roll down when placed outside for sale. My uncle tried to roll it buy it was stiff and he just assumed that its bad. He refused to take it as the seller tried to explain to him that the brakes line had to be loosen abit. While he was talking with the seller, the guy at the restaurant called me that he found the handle of the bicycle and that we should meet him at commercial Avenue in town. My uncle just forgot about the one we had to buy and called a bike and we went and met the guy. We went to the man to build the bike and he said he would only build it the next day because time had already passed. My uncle pleaded and promised him a good drink, that he had to travel with the bicycles and that he had been searching for it almost all day, that's why he was there late.


The guy accepted to build it fast. We settled the guy who we bought the bicycle from and waited for the repairer to build the bicycle. While repairing, we asked him to add a bike stand, mod gaurd, lock, carriage and bell. While he was still adding all of that, i hurriedly got a bike and went to where the other things were(generator and matras) and collected since it was getting dark and the shop owmers may closs and it was raining too.


I reached and collected the two goods. Some sales boys helped me to carry it to the road while i got a bike that took me to were the bicycle was being build so that immediately we are through, we will just carry everything to the traveling agency. I got back to the repairer, and placed the things opposit his shop since he didn't have space in his shop.


It began to rain seriously and the repairer was under the rain completing the building of the bicycle and asked one of his biys to add air to the tire, increase the height of the bicycle's chair and to ride it and see how it is. It was already dark and raining, we couldn't find a taxi or bike. We paid the repairer and appreciated him. I had to stand in the rain at the junction to get a bike or car to carry the things to the park. I found one bike man and he said he can only transport the things twice. We agreed and he place the generator and matras on the bike and i sat behind him and held it . When we were almost reaching the first park, the generator was almost falling down since the bike rider didn't tie it because he never had a rope or robber. I had to tell him to stop so i can adjust it well. We went and stood where we will get a taxi to go to the traveling agency. He went the second round and brought my uncle. Since it was raining. I couldn't take any more picture under that rain. We took a taxi, the traveling agency had closed and we went to the road leading out of town to get the last 30sitters bus that carries people at the junction at night. We met about two busses and paid for a sit for my uncle and the goods.


I waited for the good to be attached to the carriage and i told my uncle that i had to go, and that it might not be easy to see a means to go to my quarter since it passed time and how risky it could be due to shooting and kidnapping. I had to go back. I wished him safe travel, and he appreciated me for the help and gave me some money. I looked for a bike and couldn't find one. I trekked for a distance and came across a bakery, i went there and bought some bread, cakes and apples for my siblings.

I kept searching for the bike and found one and told him how much i had and he was kind of rude. I tried another man and he accepted. We started going going and reached a certain road leading to our quarter that police men are sometimes standing there at night, but we were not sure of how it may be since we know of what happens there sometimes. We took a different road and went got the quarted, under that rain. I paid the rider and when i was almost reaching the house, the paper that i kept the stuffs i bought in, got torn and i had to grap them and rush home. I removed the wet cloths and called my siblings, told them about my day and gave them the things to eat.


My siblings latee told me that our tenents had a graduation and they invited everyone to attend it the following day. I was so tired and thought of my program for the next day and i wasn't sure to attend. They left and went to bed and i tried to freshen up for bed.

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