Sunday service: service was sweet and nice today.

in hive-195150 •  3 years ago 


Hello guys
Happy Sunday and hope you had a great Sunday

So every Sunday is always special cause I get the chance to play music and serve in my church.
Before the service we had a nice rehearsal time that helped us got some songs and prepare them for the service. And it was perfectly delivered and performed.


The sermon was from 2Cor 10:3 teaching about leaving beyond our humanity. We sometimes leave on natural phenomena but ignore the spirit meanwhile we are spirit beings. Just that we think leaving a spiritual or holy life is going to church all the time praying and fasting. No. It’s more of receiving knowledge of who we are in Christ. It takes you into depths on knowing more about Christ.

So that’s how church was. Took my pictures at the end of the service.
Rush home and had to go for a football match which we won 2:0


My Sunday was just amazing today.

Thanks for reading
Blessings 😍

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