Creative Writing// Consider it all Joy

in hive-195150 •  last year 


Consider it all joy when tribulations encircle you and do not be discouraged for your Father in heaven knows it all. In all the pain, don't consider to compromise or blame God for He loves and cares about you. Everything you see now shall pass away but the Word of God shall not pass away. Look into the lines of the Great Book and encourage yourself for it will soon come to pass. "Be glad for all God is planning for you. Be patient in trouble, and always be prayerful". In the midst of the storms, be still and give prayer it's place. This too shall pass away for it is well with the righteous!

Though it tarries, wait for it. Rather than giving in to worry, stress or depression give thyself wholly unto praise and thanksgiving. Five thousands men without counting women and children who are always the most populated in any gathering were fed with few loaves of bread and fishes. This was from a hungry population but thanksgiving brought abundance. The time you spend lost in your thoughts and worries of life can be invested in thanksgiving. "I am praying to you because I know you will answer, O God. Bend down and listen as I pray". Mine is to pray and yours is to answer. I'm secured in You!

Be confident of where you are going to for you are not alone so missing your target is impossible. The happenings around you are not a true reflection of what you are supposed to be. Don't be offended by them but hold your God as you live by the Word. You are not ordinary and shouldn't allow challenges to make you think you are a failure. "He that is in you is greater than he thank is in the world". Somethings you see around you is a deception so remind yourself of what you carry inside of you. Tell yourself I must become what God says I will be! You are an Excellency of the Most High!

Happy Sunday and happy new week!

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