Everyone in Christ ought to be in active service because instructions can come at anytime. This has no regard to status, age nor accomplishments. God told Abraham to leave his father's kindred at seventy five to a place he didn't know and he moved. Who knows what will have become of him if he didn't move. Many are stagnated today because of the evil of procastination. Don't say tomorrow when you can do it today. Everybody has something to do in the kingdom, if you have nothing doing then procrastination has taken grip of you. "Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn't do it, sins".
Many destinies are attached to you so don't give in to procastination for it will affect them negatively. If Jesus refused to be the living sacrifice for mankind, where would we be today? He saved us and whatever we are able to do today is because He didn't say NO. By giving excuses like Jonah, you may find yourself in the belly of the "fish". You were saved and sent on a rescue mission that you shouldn't take it lightly. "All of us must quickly carry out the tasks assigned us by the one who sent me, because there is little time left before the night falls and all work comes to an end". The time is limited!
The beauty of every journey can only be appreciated when the step that leads to motion is taken. Treasures are hardly discovered when the journey is unexploited. The step into the course, is what is needed to assimilate the milk and honey present in it. The Lord promised Canaan land to the Israelites which was a land flowing with milk and honey but they couldn't benefit thereof until they got there. Don't seek to know how the journey will look like but allow God move before you. "Work hard and become a leader; be lazy and become a slave". Invest in hard work today inorder to enjoy tomorrow!