My take on certain issues

in hive-195150 •  3 years ago 

The ills of human trafficking are as numerous as the sands on the sea shore and cannot be over emphasized.


         In a time when the world is battling with covid-19 and with a seemingly broken global health system,we can't afford to our eyes off the trafficking of humans and human parts for a second while the perpetrators move about freely in our communities without being held accountable for their atrocities. 


        The global legal system is broken and is is dire need of fixing and mending and it is our individual and collective action that will fix this broken system coz if we don't no one else will do it for us not even God will do it for us.It is our mess and we got to clean it up for ourselves and most importantly for posterity.

Let's all put hands on deck and make a conscious move and effort to stamp out this cankerworm this destroying our families and communities. It's so painful to loose a brother,sister,child or parent to such an evil.
If you see it report it,if you suspect anyone or you have information that you think can lead to the cracking down of the trafficking network and the arresting of a trafficker please don't hesitate to allert the authorities near you.
NB....Remember,The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.
Thank you,peace.

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Thanks for the legal advice sir. we are blessed having you.
Keep posting good contents.

Waoo nice write up bro ,thanks for the legal advice

Very educational. Let’s say no to human trafficking

Peace bro✌️✌️