Hello everyone, how was your day and how is everything with you. someone might be wondering what a sign out party is? you might be asking yourself what kind of party this is ? just relax ok. All I want is for you to read.
A sign out party takes place in almost all universities in Nigeria. A sign out party can simply be defined as any form or party or gathering that students take part in after completing the program they are in school for. This sign out party normally takes place at the last exam paper. The sign out party is like a party for the next graduate of the university. The sign out party is very unique because all students that are signing out are in white shirts and a marker. I attended the sign out party this year. Yes, I have to. My neighbor and her three friends are signing out today. do you think it's easy to read and pass, do you think it's easy to be a graduate, do you think it's to go to school and graduate, do you know how many people lost their life in the course of study in school. Being a student is a job, it's not a picture.
Here is a picture of the sign out party that i took by 2:45 pm today
after my morning exam in the morning, i went home by 10:30pm here is a picture of the road view when I was going back home.
to get ready so I can go to my neighbor's sign out party. I was tired of cooking after my 2 hour exam. I'm mentally and physically tired so it's not a regular day to cook. So I have to order food online. Here is a picture of the food.
this is jollof rice with chicken and egg. this cost me #8,500 naira .
I'm halfway done with it. hunger is real so the idea of taking pictures before eating was far from me. stomach first this time before any other thing.
After eating, I have to freshen up again for the second time today. l love to look fresh. I hate being unfresh. as a top fashion boy that I'm, will i say I'm good In my colour combination or it's just my exposure. I decided to go for carton brown trousers and a well ironed white shirt and a black shoe.
here is a picture of my dressing.
So I started going. I have no car or cash to order a ride so I decided to use my legs. After a short walk, I arrived at the destination. Faculty of basic medical science(B.M.S) B.M.S consist of nursing science, medical biochemistry, medical laboratory science, physiotherapy, anatomy and physiology. nursing science, physiotherapy and medical laboratory science are 5 years program's. while others are just 4years.
My neighbor finds herself in physiotherapy. That's a branch of medicine that is concerned with the bones, neuron's and body mechanism. I myself am in the program of doctor of optometry. Yes, I will be an eye doctor after graduating by the grace of thy lord.
Here is the sign out party. I took pictures.
A lot of expensive cars were present. It's extra cool man. i saw my neighbor and i sign on her white shirt with a marker. after that sign out party is over. it's just to sign on the white shirt and wish then a productive life after school. they are no longer undergraduate like me reminder that. here is a picture of my gift to her after her sign out party
So I left by 4: 00 pm to eat at a restaurant. no energy to cook at home. so i have to eat close to the faculty of law. on my way close to the facility of law. I discovered there was a sign out party too in the faculty of law . it was extra cool
parents, family, friends where present to celebrate too. I saw some people sharing food and drink. I was not move to ask but i was hungry; yes I was hungry. I'm going to eat in a restaurant already. I only eat my food and clean restaurant food. outside that i don't any other. That's the way I was cultured. After eating, I went home. This is how I spend my day and this is how a sign out party looks like . Will you love to attend one? drop your answer in the comment section. in sign out party,you connect with people, you connect with Great mind, scholars and public figures at their little beginning. thanks for reading. you mean alot to me