good evening @everyone how was your day and how was your weekend. Today, as we all know, is the first Sunday of the month of February. It's amazing. We thank God for the gift of life, we thank God for his love, mercy and all.
The first Sunday for me was a friendly one at all. Let me gist you what happened to me today. going to bed yesterday with just noodles was not something i love doing or eating. I love to eat heavy food so I can have strength to start my next day. I woke up late this morning at 6:45 pm. The church service starts by 8:00 am. I didn't start my day with prayers that was very bad for me . I regretted it big time. my day was just scattered and a lot of shit happens to me
I decided to go to church, I freshened up, took my book and Bible and my bag. At this point of the day I'm very hungry but I couldn't cook or do anything about it . I'm out of foodstuffs, I have little money in my bank account and I have no cash with me. Today was today. I left my house running because I'm late. I'm in the protocol department in my church so you are expected not to be late to church. So I have to be in church no matter how hungry you are. you don't give excuses, you don't reason yourself. you put God first. So I went to church. with my fine akara nigerian clothes.
Here is a picture of me after Sunday service.
You know I love pictures and I love being fresh and sharp.
Today was powerful, like very powerful. God was in our meeting today. The message was amazing. The topic of the day 's sermon was “the principle and the power of First fruit.” Bible verse; Proverbs 3 vs 9. This sermon talks about putting God first in your life.if you can give him your time, your money, your all to him. It shows you love him and have faith in him. if you can give God your all it indicates you made him your only source.
After the sermon. We have to wait for a meeting with our pastor. as a protocol you must stay back. At this point I'm very hungry. I don't tell my pastor I'm hungry. you just have to wait till the meeting is over. We started the meeting by 12:30 pm and we ended by 4:00 pm. It was a long one. and that's it. you can't complain about it you just have to obey and follow lay down instructions. The meeting was about church growth and church proper management. We ended by closing prayers then we walked home. At this point my stomach has done enough pain. I walked back home. no car so you can imagine walking for like 30 mins and nothing is in the stomach it's hell on earth for you.
I decided to buy something on my way home. cold coke and soft meat pie but the service provider on my phone was not responding. you can't buy on credit to pay back another day. it's either you are paying by cash or you are paying by bank transfer. I wanted to cry but I couldn't. It's not the end of the world. I waited for 25 mins, no way up for the service provider. This is the only advantage of having cash: you can spend it anything you want to. but bank transfer is only based on how strong your phone service provider is. no wifi around so wifi can't be considered too. Today was hell. I started my day without prayers. That's what happened. you will force things to work but they just can't work to your favour. I had to leave the supermarket. I was hungry, tired, dehydrated and angry. There's nothing I can do. I just have to go.
I got home by 5:34 pm . I have to eat before I can do anything. yes!!! I'm hungry stomach first at this point in my day. no foodstuffs, no gas to cook, no service provider to buy food online nothing was working. I wanted to cry but I had to think before I died of hunger. I decided to check the cupboards properly and again i saw garri, groundnuts, Sugar and milk. It was small but at this point it's my last supper before anything goes wrong to me.
Here is a picture of it. At this point I'm grateful for this. despite the fact it's small. I'm happy for it. I rushed out to the program tap in the house to get water. The water was hot. I don't give my reasoning about it. All I needed is water and there's water. So I added water to the garri, groundnuts, Sugar and milk at this point to take a pic of this combo was not on my head. The head needs glucose at that point. with this God is faithful. Indeed a hungry man is an angry man. so i have to freshen up then play games on my phone that don't need service provider or wifi. Next, I went straight to bed very early. Before going to bed I have to end my day with prayers, that's all. Let's see how tomorrow goes. pray for me. I need your prayers. service provider please respond tomorrow morning. good night to you all. sweet dreams.
Thanks for reading. I appreciate you so much