you might be wondering what is plant biotechnology, and what is the picture you are seeing right now ?
a picture of bean from the nursery.
good day my friends and how is everything going? for me I'm going great because my today was productive. let's go into today business. before i start what is plant biotechnology?
plant biotechnology is a science course that deals with the study of biological changes in plants, ecosystem and how it affects man and animals. it's not just a course, it's a program in the university. it's a 5 years program. you end up having a BSC( bachelor of science) certification. lets proceed further.
it was today we have to submit the practical results. it was not an easy one, but with cooperation it was a success. so i have to be present no serious student wants to fail plant biotechnology practical. what is the practical all about?
the practical is all about creating a nursery of a bean seed in different type of soil, watch it grow, take your observation and make your report.
so my group and i decided to plant in a loamy soil nursery.
here is a picture of the nursery.
a loamy soil nursery
it took just 8 days for the bean to grow. that was our first grew healthy and strong because it was in a loamy soil. here is a picture of a plant that grew from a sandy soil; it's unhealthy, lack chlorophyll pigment ( chlorophyll pigment is responsible for the green colour of a plant.) that's why it lack the green colouration like the one from my group. back to the growth process.
after day 12 it grows taller and bigger. the practical ought to be submitted 14 days later.
day 12 !
so lucky for me and my group members. we planted a healthy seed, loamy soil was used, and availability of sunlight was not ignored as well, and one more important thing is the agent of germination which is water was also available.
the lab scientist asked how do you know an healthy seed before planting?
you might be wondering that too. or you are about to ask yourself or Google too. relax let me give a first class answer.
an healthy seed is known when it can flow on top of water. if it can't flow on water that shows or indicates it's unhealthy. with this method it's cheap and fast. if you as a farmer or IT student or a practical student like me if you discovered that the seed is not flowing on top of water you went further to plant the seed, the seed will fail to grow not because the prime factors needed for growth is not available it's because the seed is unhealthy.
the lab. scientist was impressed. He scored my group 7 over 10 you can't get 8 over 10. according to him 8 and . above are for gods. I'm ok with 7 of 10. after the stressful practical, some group did well while some did shit. that's life everybody must not pass. who fails to pass fails to do what the person did to pass.
we took nice pictures after practical for memory sake and all.
this is my picture after the practical.
you know I'm always soft and fresh. after the picture section everybody went back to their various locations.
what do you need to take home from this?
follow instructions
seek out for help when you are given a task to do for the first time. don't be a one man person that's while God created eve( help mate.)
be deligent in your service. when you are call to serve do it well.
with this, i have been able to show you how my plant biotechnology practical went.
thanks for reading you mean alot to me.