Check out an insight to : Hardship , Causes and Possible Solution

in hive-195150 •  11 months ago 

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Seasonal regards , seriously is being that long and here I must confess that I missed out so much. That, ranging from making post write up and as well as getting to learn from others and all of that. Since am here once more , yeah . Seriously I give all glory onto the true Creator , God almighty.

For my first post write up for the year , and here I am about to relates on hardship .

Hardship hast been ever there long enough before , everyone of us count onward from this active-era . Truth is that , even the holy book recognized hardship.

But what each and everyone does need to know is that , not everyone seen , learnt and possibly witnessing hardship is either cause by the Maker or lucifer.

To be honest , there are so much causative factors capable landing both an individual , council , state and possibly a nation at large into serious hardship.

Here , before I get to relate closely on those possible causes of hardship.

For best sense of projection on what hardship , actually represent. Here I must recognize that Hardship is not basically about lack of 💰 money. Reason is that , everyone all over the world might in one means and the other get learnt or hear about , the ongoing hardship here in my country Nigeria. And it very much visible that my country is one of the blessed land in Africa , and the reason for the ongoing hardship isn't because our government lack 💰 money. To keep running the national affairs , instead the government is totally short and also more as being out of the needed ideas to manage the ongoing hardship situation.

Based , on such personal state of reasoning , I can get landed that hardship isn't all about lack of money , instead lack of vital ideas to reposition the given hardship related position.

And moreso hardship can be actually said to be kind of situation which happening to be scarcity , due to the abnormal high cost or prices on every article of necessities.

That , very nature of situation whereby all available consumer goods and even building materials , get on the high side , mainly high prices different from what actually usual. Situation that makes life , living in gets very hard and tough for people.

The meaning of hardship that I present here is basically about what is going on within my country. Truth is that , no food stuffs actually get scarce , but , the 💰 money. In the sense that everything is under a very serious high prices. Of which everyone here , even those who can still afford things including the government often honestly acknowledge that there is hardship going on within the federating states across the country.

Causes of hardship

Here am going to relate closely on what could possibly get brings about hardship. While it quite plain and obvious that hardship can't penetrate into any states or countries where their economies can be well manage , and in which such given states and countries do understand themselves very much well. And that, with no cunning sense of pretends.

To have thing get onto the balancing side then , you should also get note that.

Hardship is bound to set into any given states and countries , that are likely about or yet to understand themselves very well so as to live as single people onto kind of collective interest in terms of a given potential national economy , and also have in central organ of government someone who is well knowledgeable about the kind of surviving nature and system of the nation if such is in generalized term or if it's per the federating state per their own practicing system.

So talking about causes of hardship


There are some kind of minor or common causes of hardship.

Those minor or common causes of hardship as I think it wide to some good extent, personally relate from the olden days down to the current or present era. Are as follows :

✓ Famines can bring about hardship of which it can be very much visible through scarcity of the affected agricultural produce.

✓ War can be another serious cause of hardship that , basically due to it core destructive nature, as it can make it hard for a nation to go about managing her normal economical affairs.

✓ Poor and bad government leadership , government can be poor mentally and bad habitually due to some sorts of an advise getting and following.

✓ Corruption , misappropriation of public funds and embezzlement by the front government officials can lead to serious national hardship.

✓ Poor and pretentious surviving system upon such ground recognition that , the spiritual rules the physical , can also get lead to hardship situation.

What I learned from this ongoing hardship is that , God the true Creator hast given powers onto the leadership position to show his kind of supremacy.

Thing is that despite the hardship the president is very much paying deaf ears onto , some vital things to do . Such as effecting price tags legislature , so as to reduce high cost on consumer goods. Most serious one is closing border and boundary on consumer goods into the country . Only , open border and boundary for heavy duty machine and luxurious cars.

Possible solution to hardship

To be very open and be truthful , no nature of hardship in this world lacks kind of possible solution.

Even , that kind of hardship cause by God himself the true Creator , still has definite solution. But, it would require seeking his most holy face.

So, though this ongoing hardship touch me , but I still see it to be nothing at all. Because isn't kind of hardship factored by God himself. It's kind of hardship that , exist due to the pretending and cunning state of the surviving system , which based on wickedness and vain claims.

Here most people might point to the holy book that , such situations have often exist. But , to be very genuine , this very one here isn't about God, but well only God the true Creator can help.

Talking about solution to hardship

Here due to such personal sense of recognition that no hardship can't get needed solution in this life , then I personally case the following can be the solution to any face or nature of hardship in the world :

✓ Seeking the face of God the true Creator and praying for his leading and help.

✓ Running kind of transparent and accountable government both from the federal level down to state level , possibly true federalism.

✓ Avoiding pretends when touching such terms , slogans or knowledge which said that , spiritual rules the physical, sense of integration into the surviving system.

✓ Encouraging healthy international trade with an open border and boundary economies

✓ Bringing corrupt government officials to account for their services , and subsequently making the rules of law supreme .

Seriously with all that , no hardship can ever survive.

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