#GreenArts of the Week
An environmental art that will plunge you into deep reflection and inspire you to take environmental action.
The Impacts of Climate Change: Art by Frank-Kightley when he was 8 years old
Green Arts use arts and crafts to promote environmental advocacy and education. Formerly known as E-Arts (Environmental Arts), Green Arts have been able to inspire and engage more than 1000 youths to leverage their creative skills in arts for the environment.
Above is an art from Frank-Kightley who is now 12 years old on the impacts of Climate Change.
Frank-Kighley is also great at crafts and does Bracelets with Environmental Messages.
Frank-Kightley's Art and Crafts are meant to educate people about the reality and impacts of climate change and inspire them them to take climate action. In his climate change art, he paints a picture of how extreme weather conditions have brought about severe flooding and death to humanity.
Our Green Arts Program has earned us local and international recognitions such as the UNESCO and ISESCO Diploma thanks to the participation of Green Artists such as Frank-Kightley.
Are you passionate about environmental issues? Join Steem Environment, a global community of friends of nature and environmentalists
The Greens is a grassroots environmental organization that strives to educate, inspire and engage young people to take action to combat climate change and be at the forefront of biodiversity conservation and waste management.