Desertification and Drought Day Minutes and Program of Activities for Bamenda, North West Region of Cameroon

in hive-195150 •  4 months ago 

NEST-Cam Program of Activities.jpg

The meeting started with a word of prayer from the Dr. Ebai and 11 members at 11:20 AM to brainstorm on activities to commemorate this year's World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought 2024, as well as discuss a roadmap for NES-Cam.

The Regional Delegate (RD) opened the meeting, calling on stakeholders to propose activities for this year's World Day to Combat Desertification. The following activities were resolved:

1. Radio Sensitization:

"My Environment" will be recorded by next Thursday, and the "Wake Up Show" with CRTV will be recorded tomorrow at 11:00 AM to be broadcasted on the morning of June 17th. The Greens, Kedjom-Keku CASUD, and staff of the RD-MINEPDED were assigned to CRTV. NDEFCam radio was recommended and adopted for CIRMAD, FEDEV, New Vision for an Eco-friendly Environment, and Kedjom-Keku CASUD, assigned for the radio sensitization on Saturday, June 15th, 2024.

Organizations interested in participating in radio sensitization can contact Dr. Ebai or Mr. Green.

2. Tree Planting at GBHS Mendakwe:

Rudolf from The Greens, the Environmental Club Coordinator, was assigned to make arrangements for the Network to visit G.B.H.S Mendakwe for another tree planting exercise around the school on Tuesday, June 18th, at 09:00 AM. The goal of the tree planting is to reduce landslide risk around the school area and improve the school's greenery. Trees will be provided by RD-MINEPDED.

3. Round Table Presentation and Award of Certificates of Appreciation:

Organizations were allocated five minutes each to do a PowerPoint presentation about their work to prevent desertification and drought in the North West Region. A PowerPoint template shall be prepared by Mr. Green and shared with the different organizations to provide content on their work. The presentations will be followed by the award of certificates of appreciation from the Regional Delegation to the different organizations in the North West that have been working to fight desertification, land degradation, and drought in the region. Organizations are strongly encouraged to participate in this event, which aims to recognize and celebrate their work.

4. Contributions for Refreshments and Radio Sensitization:

Stakeholders were called upon to make contributions for refreshments, radio sensitization, and other items that will facilitate the effective commemoration of Desertification and Drought Day, as well as make the celebration of recognition of their work a grand event.

5. Financial Report for World Environment Day 2024

A financial report for World Environment Day 2024 was presented, and Ngalim Franklin (Mr. Green) was once again charged with collecting contributions for Desertification and Drought Day.

A list will be put up in the morning.

Green regards,

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