Green Webinar: Exploring the Sustainability Challenge

in hive-195150 •  2 years ago 


Green Opportunity is a daily environmental scholarship, fellowship, volunteer opportunity, grant, job, or partnership opportunity for young people.

The Sustainability Laboratory.png

Join Michael Ben-Eli, founder of The Sustainability Laboratory, and Thomas H. Greco, Jr., a pre-eminent scholar, author, and educator who has been working at the cutting-edge of transformational currency restructuring, for a webinar presentation on how alternative currencies, solar dollars, and other financial innovations can help create a healthier economy and enable the emergence of a new more just, peaceful, equitable and sustainable society.

Apply by February 21, here: The Sustainability Challenge OR

Join the Green Opportunities WhatsApp Group for daily opportunities:

Green luck with your application!

The Greens Logo.png

The Greens is a grassroots environmental organization that strives to educate, inspire and engage young people to take action to combat climate change and be at the forefront of biodiversity conservation and waste management.

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