Woke up at 06:00 AM to do laundry. I had my sports equipment and a few clothes to wash. Before washing, I had called the mechanic to come and check the intercooler of my car.
I washed and finished by 07:30 AM. Then I wiped the car that I washed the previous day. Before I finished wiping the car, the mechanic came and loosened the intercooler to clean.
The mechanic finished the work at 10:00 AM. While he worked, I bath and decided to make sausage-sardine tomato sauce to eat with spaghetti before going to the Regional Delegation of Environment, Protection of Nature and Sustainable Development for the panel discussion with stakeholders on the 50th edition of the World Environment Day.
Just when the sauce was ready, the Regional Delegate called me to hasten up.
I didn't eat. I just had two glasses of fruit juice and drove straight to the delegation. Got there at 11:00 AM and then the session started.
We all presented ourselves/organizations as well as what we do and then had an opening statement from the Regional Delegate on the theme of this year's World Environment Day. Then we had a reflective session during which we shared our reflections on the theme, and then a presentation of the environmental challenges in our region.
We shared ideas on how to effectively manage waste in our city, opened up a questions and answers session during which the journalists conducted interviews, and then resolved a way forward.
The Regional Delegate closed the session at 14:00, we took a family photo and had light refreshments; wine and scotch eggs.
I drove from the delegation to town for launch and had Ndole and Fried plantains at Hot Bite Restaurant. Spent time there talking with my friend till 18:30 before we drove home. A few meters from my home, I was alerted by my neighbors that unidentified armed men were in the neighborhood. I called home and made sure everyone was safe and doors locked and drove back out of the neighborhood. Spent 45 minutes and was called that it was safe for me to come home. I got home at 20:30, and had the sausage-sardine tomato sauce I made in the morning with pineapple water.
The Internet connection was really bad and made it difficult for me to Steem. In hope of waiting for a better connection, I laid on the sofa and ended up sleeping.