Hi everybody, today is Sunday an yet another day of the week. Today Sunday as many of us are very much aware of, is that special day for me and all together the rest of all the Christians round the globe. Today is special in that it’s yet that another day for Easter whereby we come together to joint celebrate the triumphant victory of Jesus in his resurrection as any can fine that in the book of Mathew 27.
So while up this faithful morning and tiding up my bed, I had immediately come out of the room for my house duty. That’s, I went and had the pig style cleaned and while done my younger brother Elijah was still at the well carrying water and so I went and had to assist him finish carrying the water in other to have the work been done faster so I could be able to leave the house early enough for church.
That said, it wasn’t the case as I thought it was going to be. This is so as because why we were already at the stage of giving food to the pigs, an unimaginable gun shots as that of the thunder began just nearby around the hood and because of this, there was a lot of panic in the morning as the gun shots were so enormous and alarming. I had to rapidly get finish from the pig sty and hold still for a while.
Further, on there being a calm around after the shots, I took my bathe and getting prepare for church, I had a cup of soya beans tea and immediately leaving for church though a bit behind the time because of the gun shots.
On arriving in church and the service beginning, it was more of prayers at the beginning of the service. Still, more of praises where being sang as it was the dominant part of the service to celebrate God for the resurrection power in Jesus Christ. It was quite unfortunate that the service of today was not in that level the choir could do the song of yesterday rehearsal because of the change pattern of program by the pastor.
an image of me at church behind the strings
Done from church, I was to go for a master Easter program in town to meet my friend there but feeling some heaviness in me I could not go for it. So coming home, I was hungry and just going by to greet my neighbor, boom there she and the brother were. That is, I met them making barbecue and so I stayed there with them to joint roast it.
But with the program of the barbecue still having a long way to go as they were still to cook their food before eating it with it, I left without even eating any of the Easter chicken but had to come home and eat rice and stew which was the leftover of yesterday.
Coming from there, there was an ongoing maintenance of the house. At this I sat for a while with the technicians to observe how their the work was going and after I while I felt dizzy and had to go and have a rest.
On waking up from sleep, the work was already getting finished but along the line the material they were using got finished without the work being fully done. That said, at that moment, I had to keep the whole house clean. While done, my mother who was in the kitchen making food was done and I had to have some still digest before coming from there to joint my junior once to be watching at the TV.