The Diary Game. 14/04/2024//Attending Sunday church service and shopping some items from the market.

in hive-195150 •  11 months ago  (edited)

Hello @everyone accept special greetings from this end of globe.Northwest region of Cameroon precisely Bamenda .It’s a bright and calm new day in my location.Today is Sunday a day most Christians dedicate their time to go to church for Sunday service.I was not an exception as early in the morning I was already up from bed .preparing myself for church service starting at 7:30am.

When I was done putting things in the house in good hygienic condition and order .I prepared myself for Sunday church service .The weather automatically changed to a cold one and I decided to wear my pullover before heading to church .To prevent myself from feeling so fast and become frevish .


Early morning leaving the house to attend Sunday service

At this moment I was done ,I left the house and trekked to church . My house is not far from from Saint Paul Catholic i fellowship.It’s just a 5minutes walk .While in the church , the priest already started with church service few minutes ago . I was ushered to my seat and I concentrated to commits myself in church .


I arrived in the church when almost all the benches are already occupied, luckily I had a space to seat given by the church usher

In 3hours I was done with church services .I trekked back home .Luckily we had enough leftovers foods and Atleast no plans to cook again .One of my aunty came visiting,I already prepared to go and buy my son’s snacks for schools from the market .As they are reopening on the back to school on Tuesday after a short second term break holidays.

My aunty didn’t spent much time with us as she was hurrying back home that she is expecting someone soon in the house .As she leaving left the house to town in the market . I concerntrated first to buy my son snacks and after I headed to one of my colleague having a shop,selling footwears. I took my time I made my choices in the ones I needed and bought 3pairs of footwears.


In my colleague shop inthe market where I bought some footwears for myself

From there ,I already plan I want to changed my window blinds and doors blinds .I know where they sell abit moderated in the markets.I have a costumer that give at whole sale price and moderate prices. When I arrived .The door blinds material I had in mind was not in the shop but only old models.


I only saw the window blinds and door blinds that I never love them. The seller agreed to bring my choice next weekend

The shop keeper promised me to come and collects nextweek, that by then new ones will be available.From there I left the market took a cab straight to my destination.It’s was easy as rain started falling evening periods.

While at home , I was feeling cold as rain fell on me on my way back home. I heated water and made tea and drank. My evening period ended me in bed as I called it day .Wishing everyone a blissful week as we start a new week .

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