The Diary Game[24/02/2025]A busy day at work.

in hive-195150 •  6 days ago 

Hello @everyone accept special greetings from this end of globe .Once more welcome to blog as I share with you people my activities for day .Monday, the beginning of the week is always a very busy and tide day at my jobsite for me.

Today, I got up from bed as early as possible my first teaching period in school is starting at 7:30am .Today in all my classes am teaching I will be evaluating them with third sequence evaluation for the term.That form3,Form4 and form5 in citizenship education .

As,I was done prepared in the morning at.I made sure I should be in school on time.I arrived school when students were still in the morning assembly. I headed to form3 classroom while waiting for the students to be done from morning assembly.


Early in the morning in class ready to evaluate the various classes am teaching with their third evaluation sequence

I decided to set the questions on the board am going to evaluate them before they come .When the form3 students came in , and where all seated ready to write the test I completed and wrote their evaluation test on the board .They had 45minutes to write .After I moved to the form4 and gave own evaluation question s .They had 1 hour 10minutes to answer two questions .After, it was already midday and was break for students .


At the staffroom with other colleagues for break discussing

I had to go to the staffroom and spent my break there for some 30minutes before I come and continue .To evaluate other classes .My colleagues where in staffroom we discuss for some and when it was my period to go to class I had to leave .I went to form 5 shared their question paper for evaluation.My setting was strictly based on on GCE setting .They were supposed to answer four question from four different sections.I had to space them in class so that no one should copy.


Form5 class writing their evaluation third sequence I have given

Since, form5 Anglophone section they are just about 10 of them.The school population is carried by the francophone section with thousand of students but Anglophone section just few students. When they were done, I collected the papers and went to staffroom.

While in staffroom I was tired but decided to mark and score some classes I have evaluated before going home . I marked students papers for about 2hours .I had to stop since I was tired and discovered the school already closed since.


Marking students I evaluated scoring them according to what they wrote

What , did is i took time to filled the logbook in all the classes I have evaluated before.At this point when I was done ,I left the staffroom back home . I was almost one of the last teachers to leave the school today .

I arrived home and I was very tired ,It was already evening period . I freshened and heated leftovers food to eat .After, I had to sleep early as to prepare for work early the next day .That how I spent my day from my end .It was very busy one at work evaluating students and trying to mark some scripts and score them .

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@wirngo welcome my fellow colleagues in the field of are indeed a great teacher and that's seen in your student performance.

Thank you so much dear colleague reading my post and appreciating my post .I always try to give out the best for my student 🙏🙏🙏.You know it is not easy as you come across Ed with all set of children . But my work is always to discipline them ensure I deliver and do my teaching well .