"Autism spectrum disorder Awareness"

in hive-195150 •  2 years ago 


Greetings to great steemians,In this topic Autism Spectrum Disorder It's victims are always deserted and live in isolation because we care less of them and allow them to battle with their predicament all alone. This should serve as an awareness call for both their close and extended families, friends and the society in general both people who have relatives with this disorder and we that don't have relatives with the disorder to let love lead. Below are some points discussed.

What is your understanding of autism spectrum disorder?

To the best of my knowledge on autism spectrum disorder (ASD) could mean a neurological State (condition) which could be noticeable (observed)in a child as early as possible and it can continues to exist throughout the child lifetime, it's characteristics were associated with communication problem, issue of eyes contact with other individuals, sensory issues, the process of developing language and so on.

Autistic Spectrum Disorder in humans is seen as a disability which make it's victims unstable and unable to act normal as others behave. This disability in a simple term is known as imbecile. it could be that victims of (ASD) can't interact well with the rest of the world due to their lower intelligence rate

State and explain the early signs or symptoms of autism spectrum disorder.

Since ASD is a an early stage sickness i will endeavour to share with you some early signs/symptoms.

Unable to stand on their feet as early as possible This is a major challenge ASD victims face in their early stages of life. Any child inability to start walking from 10 months to 13 months after birth is a signal to inquire about their inability to start walking at stage.

Communication problem: children born to every/any family in this world grow to a certain age need to start exhibits their communication attitude, but where this is lacking to some point then it means the child may likely develop ASD it may not be in all cases but out of 100%, 95% will be ASD symptoms.

Inability to learn/understand things fast ASD is a disorder that holds vital organ of the body the brain is not left on this, Victims finds learning a very difficult task to perform and their learning quality is low as their brain is.

Issue of eyes contact with other individuals: ASD victims can't keep eyes contact with other people even their own biological parents.

Is it a curable disease? How can it be handled?

Right now Autism Spectrum Disorder is not yet a curable disease, but it can only be managed at the moment, Health professionals have not discovered it's final cure yet. Victims of ASD are born as different humans and the major means of managing their condition is based on love and as well encouragement to give them hope to live.

Although they can as well be cared for medically because every disorder have it's way of managing it till it's final cure could be ready, those medications only reduce their symptoms for a particular time and it can come back to normal state if they stopped receiving treatment (medications).

Have you ever had an encounter with a person suffering from autism spectrum disorder?

Yeah, I have come in contact some but mostly gatherings like Church programme, school environment or market square which i haven't be privileged or opportune to interact with their families or caregivers to know more about them or how they do things or interact with people around them.

But with this knowledge now i will one day bring out time to ask ask about how they behave, how they talk, how they eat and many more about how do things. Because i come across a good number of them ranging from the ones that talk off point, the ones that can't even talk but keep looking looking at you forever, the ones that have Autism Spectrum Disorder at same time with disabilities in both legs and arms.

Share your advice with society, caregivers, and parents of children with autism.

The advice i have for caregivers, parents and the society at large is.... They should show them maximum love and support for them to feel isolated, because they need to be treated humanly. They were only born with disorder not as death bodies, the only thing that gives them sense of belonging is the unconditional love they received so, love is the bottom line.

They shouldn't be forsake or abandoned just because they didn't fit into our kind of human, it wasn't even their wish to be born with disorder from birth. If there's any one who knows what he will become i think half of people will not accept to indigen of their native land, is because we can't choose.


Autism Spectrum Disorder is a disorder that is not with final cure for now but it could only be managed medically. They need unconditional love to feel better around their fellow human, let's create the awareness because some people treat them as shit and it wasn't their fault to be born differently.

Even Lucky dube said in one of his sung and i quote, "You can choose your friends, but you can't choose who you relate to" So let that sink in and we should start treating them as humans as we are.

I'm inviting

Cc @patjewell, @bossj23, @chant

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Autism Spectrum Disorder... the name says it all, "disorder."
When I see this word, I know that it is something that must be controlled and managed, and so often people fall short of doing just that.
Nobody asked to be born with a disorder.

Thank you, you have shared some very interesting facts.
It is always good to source where you got your information from.

Good luck with the contest, and thank you for the invitation.

Ok noted, i will endeavour to source where i got my information next time . Thanks a lot i appreciate you ma'am. One love 💙🌹✌️

Unconditional love is what these victims need from us, it's hurtful how some people treat them, some times I wonder if people really understand that they're also humans built differently.

I will implore the society to start looking away from their disability and show them great love they deserve.

Best of luck on this contest.

Thanks for reading through you are welcome 🤝 brotherly. One love 💙🌹✌️

The best way to this issue of Autism spectrum disorder is for parents to be an observer of their child when they are still young so as to provide them with the best solution. Your post content useful information. Good luck friend.

That's the point my sister. Thanks for reading through my post one love 💙🌹✌️

Steem greetings @ynglu22, thank you for participating in the contest. Keep on creating original content and do not forget to engage with engaging comments and support other content creators with upvotes.

Steem greetings @chant thanks for your advice and encouragement on upvoting and commenting on other content, i have done that earlier before now (comment and upvote)on others content. Thanks once more, one love 💙🌹✌️