Santa's Kandy Bred By Jonyoudyer, A WeedCash Exclusive(Hashkings Edition)

in hive-195708 •  5 years ago 

What's up Steem on Weed! So it has been a little over a month since I started my new Weedcash exclusive grow log. Since last post my Santa Kandy Seedlings have grown exponentially. I do have to say, they are developing some character. I am loving the way these plants are looking! For those of you just tuning in, Santa's Kandy is a strain that was created with the same dad as Steem Og. Steem Og is a project I started to show my love to the Steem Blockchain. The idea was a simple one. Cross my female Tahoo Og x Og, to an Inca Gold male, and then send out seeds to other Steemians. The hope was a group pheno hunt, and also give other Steemians the tool to promote, not only themselves, but our wonderful platform. Well here we are almost 2 years later, and Steem Og lives!

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Just check out the tag Steemog. So far there have been 7 Steemians who have grew out the Steem Og, two of them who are actually growing them as we speak, @drutter, and @skylinebuds. Skyline actually just finished one, which you can check out here, Drutter had some unfortunate luck of getting some herms on his current one, which you can check out here. It has been grown in 4 states, and 3 countries! Well it dont stop there, I just got word from @hashkings, that Steem Og has been added into his game as a limited edition seed! Check out the post here. What a cool honor, but a even more cool testament to the Steem Block chain! You see, Steem Og is more then just a strain. Steem Og is an idea. An idea to bring people together. Even though all the other Steem Og growers are many miles away, we have grown very close, like brothers and sisters, and in @drutters case, brosisters, ;)

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Seriously, go check out Hashkings, and start your virtual farm today!

So time for the update on my two Santa Kandy cannabis plants.

(Steem Og male x Kandy Kush female)

So much growth in just 33 days! They sure are loving the Fox Farm Ocean Forest Soil. Also I am very pleased with my LED's performance. I am using a 20/4 light schedule, with only the VEG mode on the Maxisun 300 Watt LED. I am using no added fertilizer, and have only switched from tap water, to spring water that has a PH around a 6.

After a month they are at the 4 node mark. This is when I like to top. I like to use the FIM Method, so that way I have multiple colas on the top.

Now more energy can be directed to the bottom of the plant.

I will continue to water with the spring water, and maintain the 20/4 light cycle to continue the vegetative stage. By the time these will need nutrients, I will have them transplanted into bigger pots. I have decided to do living soil, and will discuss this in a future post. I have already ordered all I need for a decent setup. I can't wait! All I am doing until then, is bending the top of the plants every now and then to let more light penetrate the bottom, and doing this helps strengthen the stem. So far I am keeping to the rule of keeping it simple, and it is working great for me. One thing I am considering on doing is using the living soil for one plant, and then using bottled nutes for the other. If you think I should do this for post and Weedcash promotion purposes, please let me know in the comments. Until then, stay tuned for the transformation from closet grow, to tent grow. Peace!

Posted from the Weedcash Network



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Santana's Candy! Heheh nice green happy plants. Your new tech is panning out! They seem to be enjoying the lights.
I think I have 2 more weeks for this Steem OG. No more hermie flowers for the past several days. Just putting on weight to the buds! Not much of course, but it's gonna be fire flames :)
I think I will keep the seeds, just with the knowledge that Steem OG genetics are a little.... unpredictable still. Nothing wrong with a little random ballsack now and then, right? hehehe :p

Ballsacks lives matter too! Haha. You know I was thinking, which plant was it that you washed the roots under the tap? I wonder if that shocked the Steem into hermieing? But either way, great learing experiance, and yeah starting from unstable genetics do prone easy to herms. Cant wait to see what your finished product looks like.

The one I washed (S2) is fine. S3 lived a peaceful life of perfect health and conditions, but went herm anyway. Maybe she's stressed out from being treated so well? Hahah, who knows with plants. It's still a great learning experience and I think the finished buds will still be pretty (and delicious)! Thanks :) Keep on growin.

You got F1 seeds as well? I am glad I got a good mother and was able to clone from here. Now I will smoke her and clone from her off spring 😀

Sup @jonyoudyer Santas Candy is looking very Nice. I like it . Tight Kush node structure but the leaves reminds me of Great white shark, which I love! .
I ran your Steem OG Inside and Out.
Both Indoors and out I enjoyed the strain and had good results. had some troubles outside in our climate with not the best start. but finished on time and made very nice concentrate.
I crossed Steem OG with top notch fathers. Crititial Chunk, Pure Kush, THJ. Call it "Steem Chain"... all genitics were sourced from the Steem Chain. 👍
Im Testing them atm.

Also guess what!!! I found some worthwhile LEDs or atleast someone I know found some. 700 - 1000 watt. But expensive $2000 -$2600 Canadian per unit. does a 5*5 space very well. The 1000watt unit is the one everone wants, which replaces 2 * 1000 hps. They have 40 running Blue god and the room looks great , runs cool. Lots of indoor Summer potential. easily replaces a old school hps.


Keep on keepin on bro.

Holy shit! That is great to hear man. I know Rebecca had decent success outdoors, but yeah I imagine it is a strain better suited for the outdoors down where I live. But dude would love to see some posts about your tests you are doing. That is crazy that Steem is going a long way. You know that there is the original OG kush in there right?

Yeah dude the advancements is staggering! ONly issue is price. I predict in 15 years HPS will be obsolete, and the blurple style of LED will be gone in a few years. I have a decent light coming soon made by Mars. It is the T1000, and for the price it is supposed to be a great light.

Thanks dude. I wish It was worth it for me to post. Even with my EARLY delegation, then placing my posts and reputation under the canna-curate tag while "drawing tons of views" "but little ups"
a real influncer!. I see many or most get far more value for less far, far less. My patience along with most has worn thin. There your problem lies.
Steem strain has gone a long ways and you should appreciate the work growers put in and any praise you recieve.
Steem on proper.

I hear you, and thanks man. As a cannabis nerd Steem og is the best thing I’ve ever done on Steem.

Fake blessed bullshit back and forth in a circle jerk is a dead end! Get over it and move on bro.
Money + Community SINCE FUCKING WHEN!
Here is a Example...
Everyone! I dont give a fuck what community you are from. Will accept USD over another D. Ask youselves why? Because America has such a great community? FFS. No! Thats far down the list! They hate America. America hates America. But we will still will all take and love the USD.

Your Steem OG and your use of this platform was a appreciable method to bring growers together. Meet interact compare. You should be very proud of that. Thank you for that my friend.
Take all this experience tune it and grow with it.

Fork Steem/weedcash with every platform... why not . I dunno... Sounds like interoperability to me.

super super healthy looking plants :)

well done

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Thank you sir!

Thanks for the Steem OG grow shout out. They pack on the weight when you give them the chance.

Can't wait to grow a steem OG in living soil. Going to see the Cuz of steem OG grow up in living soil atleast.

These plants are some the healthiest plants I see in a long while.

Thanks for giving Steem Og a chance! I am far from a great breeder, or maybe a good one for that manner, but I do have fun. And when you got other people doing the same as you, it is even more fun!

Man I love growing it. I am not a "good" grower but I will enjoy learning. Also steem OG was my first non indoor auto plant 😀

Gotta love that FF Ocean Blend

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Yeah its great! When I first started growing I was taught to use a blend of Happy Frog and Ocean Forest. I am liking the Ocean Forest just by itself. It is going to be interesting to finally do living soil this round.

Looking good bro!

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Thank you Dude!