20 Hive Basic Income up for grabs, see details below for how to claim
Picking up from where i left off what will day 2 hold for us?
D00k13 will be reviewing details of the HiveFest 2021 Virtual Event, join live to share your favourite moments
Promote your favourite people of the event in our NewsRoom Channel accepted entrys earn 1 HBI (10 max)
Giveaway upto 10 HBI more simply follow @OneLoveCommunity on Twitch and comment your @HIVE username from Twitch while we are live (applys to all followers and any hive account)
Chill Out With Community Beats by @Stayten @Anime4TheWorld @Greencross and more
JOIN DISCORD ️ https://discord.gg/CsqcfSx
JOIN LIVE ️ https://studio.restream.io/guest/bHA0YVY4bBZlmM3FaUNQiKEWXXJdsiM
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