2021 The Great Reset, Lockdowns, Genocide and Censorship

in hive-196037 •  4 years ago 

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Link to Anarchast: https://www.youtube.com/c/TheAnarchast/videos

People in Quebec right now trying to go for a walk at night so they don't get kidnapped and sent off to the camps: https://twitter.com/BerwickJeff/status/1348447739130990594

Tier 5 Tent: https://www.dropbox.com/s/91fq4ra710nix8q/Tier%205%20Tent.mp4?dl=0

24 Dead and 137 Infected at NY Nursing Home After Experimental COVID Injections: https://vaccineimpact.com/2021/24-dead-and-137-infected-at-ny-nursing-home-after-experimental-covid-injections/

Victorian Chief Health Officer spills the beans on the BS-19 Vaccine “Sterilizing Vaccine”: https://lbry.tv/@FreedomFighter:a/Sterilizing-Vaccine:f

WHY PEOPLE WILL START DYING A FEW MONTHS AFTER THE FIRST MRNA "VACCINATIONS" - Molecular Biologist and Immunologist Ireland: https://video.wakkeren.nl/videos/watch/9bd9f602-e5e9-47e0-b35d-8f1bfd78f0f4

Twitter stock is an absolute dumpster fire. It is down 30% since 2013 while things like FBIBook are up 500% in the same timeframe. Stock is down another 7% today. Does TWTR have any shareholders other than the CIA? If so, when are they going to ask for shipwrecked
@jack's head?: https://twitter.com/BerwickJeff/status/1348714338769653760

First they isolate people physically, now they isolate people online. If you study communism you know social isolation is textbook communist takeover: https://twitter.com/vamosvigilante/status/1348070750146555906

The fake news doesn't even try to try anymore…: https://twitter.com/BerwickJeff/status/1348429903264239617

In the last issue of TDV I said I was beginning to move some of my BTC into silver near $40,000. I also shorted BTC near $39,000 and am up 1,300% on that trade so far.: https://twitter.com/BerwickJeff/status/1348736945501970435

Crap, no one believes the Covaids plandemic anymore and people are catching on to the false flag at the Capitol... time to roll out Lil' Kim again to scare the populace into obedience.: https://twitter.com/BerwickJeff/status/1347978288199827459

Here is a hilarious outtake from
who is currently recording the audio book version of The Controlled Demolition of the American Empire. It should be out soon and we told you it isn't easy: https://twitter.com/BerwickJeff/status/1347673428124446722

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