Jamu Rimpang Untuk Meningkatkan Imunitas Tubuh • Rhizomes Herbs For Your Immune Booster

in hive-196037 •  5 years ago  (edited)

Indonesia is very rich in rhizomes, including ginger, turmeric, lemongrass, galangal, curcuma. Our ancestors have long made processed rhizomes as a way to maintain a healthy body. In this video, in addition to reviewing the content of rhizomes, I am also share rhizome herbal recipes or traditional herbal medicine to help maintain immunity during this Covid-19 outbreak. Check it out..

Indonesia sangat kaya dengan rimpang2an, diantaranya jahe, kunyit, kencur, sereh, lengkuas, temulawak. Nenek moyang kita sudah lama menjadikan olahan rimpang sebagai cara untuk menjaga kesehatan tubuh. Di video ini selain mengulas tentang kandungan rimpang juga berbagi tentang resep herbal rimpang atau jamu traditional untuk membantu menjaga imunitas disaat wabah Covid-19 ini.

Property image by www.freeimages.com
Music by www.bensound.com

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