Mascleta By the Pyrotechnicians Dragón - Fallas 2020 - Valencia, Spain - Daylight Sound Firework

in hive-196037 •  4 years ago  (edited)

The Mascletas of Fallas 2020 are in full swing. After a canceled one on March second, because of some crazy winds we're happy to report the the Mascleta by Dragon got fired without any problems - a few hours past 2pm maybe on that same day they might have canceled it, as the wind picked up later that day.

On a scale from 1-10 I'd give this Mascleta a 4. I had a nice build, almost no surprises until the Finale kicked in. A good amount of smoke and aIl in all I would place this one in the classic Mascleta category.

BTW, there is a chance that the canceled daylight firework from march 2nd will be rescheduled to March 22nd.

The audio of the Mascleta was recorded with this external microphone.

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@tipu curate :)

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