Old Video -:
This video I produce by my self. Thanks all guys there who concerning my kitties' babies. This is let you know how about this five days they living with me. You can see how lovely of them. I still request you pleased to pray for them. Hope they can growth healthy become a beautiful big cat! Thanks for watching it! Thankful! 這套短片由小弟親自拍攝、剪輯,講述三隻貓嬰兒出生後首五天在我家裡的生活情況,展現牠們可愛的一面!感謝各位這幾天以來的關心和支持,仍然希望各位繼續為牠們祈禱,祈望牠們能夠繼續健康快活地活下去!謝謝觀賞!感恩!😊😎🤗
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