Hey today ill talk about a booming #Altcoin called #Nimiq that just made it to Top 100 by marketcap in matter of a days, enjoying a sweet +2000% rise over last 30 days basically. It's not just some random PnD coin, Nim has some interesting technology behind it and soon they will be transitioning to proof of stake, which could further increase the price perhaps. #Crypto
- Game Store - https://nimiq-game-store.paulgertz.com/
- Nimiq faucet - https://getsome.nimiq.com/
- Nimtris - https://nimtris.zeromox.com/
- Nimiq Donations - https://www.nimiq.com/accept-donations/
- Nimiq Lotto - https://nim.drawpad.org/n/
- Giftcards - https://giftcards.bidali.com/buy-gift...
You can also buy Nimiq at KuCoin Exchange
➜ https://www.kucoin.com/?rcode=a7ts56 (Coupon - a7ts56)
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