Abracadabra! It’s showtime! Surprise your friends with magic tricks that we have prepared just for you! Trick them by magically filling a box of matches, seamlessly getting a phone into a plastic bottle, and so many awesome illusions! Stay tuned to learn all the magicians’ secrets and how to perform these and more DIY magic tricks!
00:00 Candy Phone Trick
00:50 Phone In Bottle
01:46 Fake Cut
02:46 Cutting Money Trick
04:05 Changing Water Color
05:02 Bendy Leg Prank
06:08 Disappearing Cup
06:46 Matches Box Trick
08:01 Magicians Box
09:28 Magic Coin Trick
10:28 Always Lighting Match
11:44 Love Rose Trick
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Love the music used in this video? We find our music on EpidemicSound: https://bit.ly/2JcUlBa
#MagicTricks #MagicHacks #DIYTricks
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