Vinceremo tutti (first studio release) 432 Hz

in hive-196037 •  8 months ago 

Dear blocktrotters

Ecco una canzone in 432 Hz che descrive quello che sta succedendo qui, adesso. Lasciatevi trasportare


Lorenzo Pistolesi : voce, parole, musica, chitarra, video
Luca Giachi : basso
Stefano Burberi : batteria
Francesco Foderà : mix, mastering
Andrea Pistolesi : support
Koan Studio

Vinceremo tutti

Camminavo in mezzo alla foresta, solo alberi sopra la mia testa
cercavo la sembianza di un nemico, c'era solo questo fuoco amico era il sole dall'alto e filtrava tra le foglie
e non c'erano guerriglie, solo pace e amore

È sempre stato facile sbagliare, è sempre stato facile pensare
che il nemico fosse oltre le parole di una televisione in fiamme
Tutto sembrava andar cosi, da sempre in questo loop infernale
Col quale si giustificavano guerre, paure, malattie, distruzione
e il male che era dentro di te
ma questa volta c'erano milioni di persone che avevano deciso di non entrare nella scelta facile tra l'America e la distruzione

Pedine di un enorme scacchiera, non era il re che portava la bandiera
bastava anche un solo pedone, per dichiarare la fine della tensione
Immagini si formarono così, per caso lanciate in mezzo a questo mercoledì
di paura e di invidia per chi già era passato al di là
siete pronti a volare siete pronti a campare in un mondo nuovo perché abbiamo trovato un appiglio più sicuro
Sembrava fosse finito per caso, quel modo nuovo di pensare alla radio
tutto si preparava al meglio e tutto era previsto da tempo
e tu convinto che fosse finito tutto, come un bruco attaccato a un albero
aspettavi il modo migliore, per trasformare l'amore
una farfalla, questa nuova stella ci guida già

We will all win

I walked in the middle of the forest, only trees above my head
I was looking for the semblance of an enemy, there was only this friendly fire it was the sun from above and it filtered through the leaves
And there was no war, only peace and love

It was always easy to make mistakes, it was always easy to think
That the enemy was beyond the words on a burning television
Everything seemed to go like this, always in this infernal loop
By which wars, fears, disease, destruction were justified
and the evil inside you
but this time there were millions of people who had decided not to make the easy choice between America and destruction.

Pawns on a huge chessboard, it wasn't the king who carried the flag.
just one pawn was enough to declare an end to the tension.
Images were thus formed, by chance thrown into the midst of this Wednesday
Of fear and envy for those who had already passed beyond
you are ready to fly you are ready to live in a new world because we have found a safer foothold
It seemed to have ended by chance, that new way of thinking about radio
everything was prepared in the best possible way and everything had been planned for a long time
and you were convinced that it was all over, like a caterpillar clinging to a tree
You were waiting for the best way to transform love
A butterfly, this new star is already guiding us

I can't leave love, music has now invaded this heart
Two chords are enough, to imagine a better future
It was all planned a long time ago, that there would be this immense torment
Inside and outside of you Inside and outside of me
The important thing is to always look with eyes wide open
the wars have been long infinite torments infinite torments
to let go of discoveries to finally expect the beginning of a new constant

And while proudly sending weapons to Ukraine
convinced of defeating an enemy that was under our cellar
the sun was turning the stars were warming the passage
all busy impersonating a character
They never wanted to impersonate
Unaware that soon the things, the fears might end
There were only a few songwriters left
singing the world with its pains with its sorrows
and a bridge that would soon look like this
And I can't help it I can't touch you
I can only wish you to pass

You'll see the bridge very clearly, it will be placed between the peoples of this world
It will be placed between you and your broken dreams
Be ready to forget everything, be ready to leave aside the fear of evil
That evil is within you
And I cannot encourage you to go beyond your stride

I can only remind you that
A one meter step is worth more than a trip around the planet
You were born son you died Father this reminds you of this mundane world
War is not for increasing self worth
So forget about the phony governments passing off peace as a roller war
Who will shoot each other as always because
There's a better world waiting for you It's called love You know that already
Why do we have to send weapons
And not the artists for example the dancers
the next war will be with singers and dancers, the next war will be with music and we will all win and we will all win and we will all win

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