How to Earn Respect: 8 Things to Do For Meaningful Relationships & More Influence!

in hive-196037 •  last year 

Think of someone that you admire and truly respect. Why do you respect this person so much? That would be one of the first steps to take in order for you to earn more respect from other people.

If you don't know the foundations that respect is based on, how can you build the right traits in yourself to become someone worthy of respect?

Quick side note:

As I discuss in the video as well, you should ALWAYS treat people with kindness and respect. However, there is a difference between the kind of respect that can be seen as basic human decency and the kind of respect where people look at you and truly admire certain abilities, achievements and character traits of you.

When it comes to earning respect, we'll talk about the latter.

The first thing that you should be aware of if you want to become a respectable man or woman is that it is action based. Words are easy to speak, but if you're not true to your word, nobody is going to respect you. When you say one thing and do another, you lose your reputation. On top of that, any worthwhile achievement (that people admire and respect) takes consistent action and effort.

So realize that respect is built upon a foundation of action, not empty words.

Another key ingredient for respect is confidence. Without it, people won't take you seriously most of the time. When you're confident, it not only helps you reach your goals, but other people immediately recognize it.

Take This FREE training to build your confidence:

Beyond that, there are 7 key ways of earning respect that I cover within this video. Please note that these are not just some quick tips for success, as most of these are quite shallow and don't really work. Instead, all of these 8 techniques for building a great reputation require hard work and dedication!

That's WHY they garner respect from people.

If you play a video game on easy mode and complete it without any difficulty, nobody would respect that "accomplishment". If you play it at Mega Difficult Hyper-Nightmare mode, and complete the game whereas 95% of people can't even reach level 3, now it's something respectable.

Remember that we respect things that are difficult to accomplish!

Follow these 8 tips for earning respect, become someone worthy of it and subscribe to the channel to become your best self!

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