In 1992 Ukraine was still just tasting its freedom from the former USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republic) It was in these uncertain, turbulent but hopeful times that our band Crunch performed at the Palace Ukraine Concert Hall in Kyiv.
Putin spoke of this a "catastrophe" and a "terrible time". But for the Ukrainians there was cautious optimism.
This was the period when Boris Yeltsin was in charge. It was just after Gorbachev's Glasnost and before Vladimir Putin came into power as the president of Russia.
Back in the West "Guns and Roses" were the big thing in heavy music at the time. Even the "Gun" in their name suggests the sexual projection of male power. So as an all-female band naturally, we chose the name "Crunch". One can almost imagine the jaws clamping down to emasculate all that masculine strength! ;)
Hee hee hee! Such cute little loveable darlings we were...
Indeed we felt a kinship with the Ukrainian people who seemed to understand our desire to burn down walls.
Huge thanks and gratitude to Renee from the band Lovecramps for providing it to us!
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