in hive-196037 •  4 years ago 

Welcome to a BRAND NEW SEASON of Breaking The Matrix Podcast.

On today’s episode, I discuss the following 🔥🔥🔥BLAZING' HOT🔥🔥🔥 Topics:

What is a False Flag attack, and how to spot it;
Hegelian Dialectic: Problem. Reaction. Solution;
The ‘incursion’ on The Capitol by supposed ‘MAGA / Trump Loyalists’;
The ongoing assault on Free Speech on Social Media Platforms;
The Ban of Parler on Google and Apple apps;
The De-Platforming of a President;
Major Announcement of New Project!

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Blessings and welcome to a BRAND NEW SEASON of Breaking The Matrix Podcast, where no topic is off limits, no matter how controversial. The goal is to foster independent critical thinking and to question the status quo of the corrupt criminal power structure. You can call me Morphy.X, I’ll be your humble guide down and all around this strange rabbit hole as we continue to keep breaking the matrix together.

On today’s episode, I’m going to discuss the following Topics:
What is a False Flag attack, and how to spot it;
Hegelian Dialectic: Problem. Reaction. Solution;
The ‘incursion’ on The Capitol by supposed ‘MAGA / Trump Loyalists’;
The ongoing assault on Free Speech on Social Media Platforms;
The Ban of Parler on Google and Apple apps;
The De-Platforming of a President;
Major Announcement of New Project!

We got LOTS to cover but before we get started, make sure to FOLLOW or SUBSCRIBE to this page so you never ever miss any future episodes. Now that we got that out the way, let’s get started shall we? This Podcast will BLOW YOUR Mutha-F’ing MIND!!! LET’S GO!

[play intro track]

For those who aren’t aware of what a False Flag is, I’ll give you a short and quick summary explanation of it with an easy-to-understand example (that might crack you up in the process). Bob and Joe are neighbors, but Bob is jealous of Joe because Joe’s got a nicer backward with a deck and a pool and the BBQ pit and the whole nine yards. Bob can’t stand it and wants Joe gone, so what does he do? He sets his own house or his own shed on fire, and plants fake evidence that implicates Joe. When authorities come to investigate, they find the planted evidence and arrest Joe, and no one is the wiser, because Bob fooled everyone into thinking that Joe’s a crazyass arsonist, when it’s really Bob who’s nuts AF. Get it? A False Flag is simply a means to an end. The end is either to set up a Rothschild Central Bank or a military base or your own puppet dictator, so you blow your own shit up, plant evidence which leads to the invasion of whatever country you’re targeting, and voila, with mainstream media as your pied piper brainwashing the masses to support your illegal wars, you can get away with murdering hundreds -if not thousands- of your own people all in the name of whatever end goal you have in mind. Can YOU think of any False Flag attacks? There’s been so many over the years but the biggest one, so far, is one that rhymes with Seven Eleven. That’s a RABBIT HOLE that you MUST dig into if you’re truly seeking to understand what in the fuck is going on today, and will help you understand the shadowy forces pulling the strings.

Brief historical background: the name False Flag comes from when Pirates would fly a different flag than their own, so they could get close enough to attack and take over another vessel. Hence the name: FALSE FLAG.

False Flags are part and parcel with what is known as Hegelian Dialectic: Problem. Reaction. Solution. Through False flags, you create the problem such as a worldwide health crisis aka a planned-demic. Then stoke the reaction of panic through your operatives in government and media, through relentless cycles of non-stop round-the-clock fear-mongering campaigns aimed brainwashing the masses and making them think that whatever mandates or laws you’re pushing is for their own good, when in fact, you already have a pre-planned solution already in place ahead of time but -like the example mentioned earlier- none is the wiser because it’s all about creating confusion through deception, and deceitfulness through disinformation, and reprogramming minds through tactful propaganda. Like that infamous quote from Joseph Goebbels: “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it”. Isn’t that the case here? Just look at the facts OBJECTIVELY. And of course, this is all essentially entrenched in Operation Mockingbird. LOOK. IT. UP.

So what is the Solution? You tell me. Nanoparticle RFID microchip implants through mass vaccination programs to have every single man, woman and child in the WORLD connected to a 5G network of mass surveillance and financial system based on a social credit score. So, if you dare speak out against tyranny or injustice and expose corruption and crime in government, they can literally shut you down and banish you from society. No work. No travel. No access to your bank or credit cards. Cunningly devious no? Novels like Brave New World and 1984 were quite foretelling. Wonder how their authors knew and if they were part of some sort of ‘secret order’ (known as the Fabian Society). Another Rabbit Hole for you to dig into.

Now that you know what a False Flag is, and the concept of Hegelian Dialectic (aka Problem. Reaction. Solution), you’ll be better equipped to see past certain events as they’re unfolding, and make up your own mind independently from any news outlets and whatever so-called ‘official narratives’ they’ve concocted to psychologically condition the masses to keep accepting more wars and/or willingly give up more of their freedoms and rights and liberties. The end goal is a New World Order based on Jesuit Luciferian Antichrist Messianic anti-Godly tenets. Do you see that emerging as we speak? No big social gatherings, especially not in places of worship, but it’s okay to pack people into a flying sardine can with recycled air, sitting shoulder to shoulder next to one another…. That’s perfectly fine apparently. Moving on...

The event that took place on January 6th, and how EASY, like, UNBELIEVABLY EASY it was for the so-called ‘pro-Trump mob of protesters’ to get into the US Capitol… Does that look or feel like a False Flag to you? My intuition tells me not to trust any ‘official narrative’ spun by Deep State operatives in mainstream media, so I’m not buying whatever load of crap they’re selling. Furthermore, video evidence has emerged showing what appears to be a police officer waving the so-called protesters in, pretty much welcoming them in. Plus, the additional photo ops, the whole damn thing looks and feels staged to me. Smells more and more like a False Flag. So, they created the problem: Trump and all of his supporters are a danger to the nation. Reaction: manufacture OUTRAGE from the public using MSM as a social engineering tool. Solution: SILENCE Trump and all his MAGA supporters on any/all social media platforms. Just want to clarify something: true Patriots do NOT vandalize government property. Just saying. So where was I at… oh yeah...

How do you silence so many patriots? Simple. Make an example of their leader. Ban Trump from Twitter and other social media platforms. Completely de-platform him. Then de-platform the very platform he goes on as a back up, in this instance it’s Parler (pronounced Par-Lay -- not Par-lour). Then purge ALL OF HIS FOLLOWERS from every social media platform possible. Means to an end. Orchestrate an incursion, use your puppet (whether he’s aware of it or not) to your advantage, and gain the desired outcome of wiping out any and all opposite views that contradict that manufactured narratives. See how it’s all connected?!

In essence, in case you haven’t caught on, this isn’t about Trump nor about his loyalists, it’s MUCH BIGGER THAN THAT. This is undoubtedly, unmistakingly and unequivocally an all out assault on the 1st Amendment of the United States Constitution: Freedom of Speech and Expression. The same social engineers who are also the architects of chaos all around the world know all too well the power of Social Media to stir up revolutions and uprisings, because they were the same folks behind ‘the Arab Spring’ that took place in the early 20-10’s. Now they’ve managed to ensure anyone who’s fighting for Free Speech or Denouncing Corruption or Not falling for the Manufactured Mainstream Narratives are labelled as ‘Domestic Terrorists who just want to incite violence’ and expunged from all major social media platforms.

Look, I don’t agree with certain people, like the Q Anon community, but I will fight to protect the Freedom of Speech of anyone who isn’t spewing outright hatefulness and ignorance against any specific person or group of people. Sure, Trump says crazy ass things, to stir up a frenzy, some shit makes sense, some shit doesn’t but what in the fuck gives any social media platform the right to dictate what we’re allowed to listen to or read or see before we make up our own minds about it? Oh yeah, I forgot, they’re PRIVATE COMPANIES. So they can literally censor a sitting president over concerns of inciting violence, yet the likes of Bush, Obama, Clinton, Natanyahu and others who are notably guilty of committing war crimes, and the mainstream media who facilitates such social conditioning as to dehumanize Muslims and/or Palestinians or Libyans or Yemenis, are they not also guilty of INCITING VIOLENCE as pied pipers of the war racket known as the Military Industrial Complex? Hope I haven’t lost you in the point I’m trying to make here. But the point is very simple: They’re going after your/our Freedom Of Speech and Expression, and targeting anyone who isn’t towing the line. Wouldn’t be surprised if this podcast series gets delisted from Apple or Spotify or wherever you’re listening/watching/reading from. Just ‘cuz I got a mind of my own, do my own research and make up my own damn mind, guess that makes me a THREAT to the establishment. See how easy it will be for them to track you, trace you, and silence you. The whole scamdemic and false flags and psyops, they’re all interconnected and coordinated. These sociopaths leave nothing to chance. Don’t let them deceive you. The most epically revolutionary thing you can do is THINK FOR YOURSELF!!! Don’t take my word for it. Try it out for yourself. You’ll feel more empowered. The more minds are opened the less control THEY’LL have over humanity.

On a final note: I’ve got a new project in the pipeline. For now, calling it ‘The Morphy.X Project’. Basically, it will be a Bi-weekly (every other week) Live WebCast Show featuring special guests, commentary, analysis, discussion, all completely UNSCRIPTED. UNFILTERED. UNCENSORED. One thing though, it will be strictly exclusive to loyal patrons on my Patreon page. Something I’ve been planning for a while as a perk in exchange for monthly support to keep up with all the bills and to continue delivering high quality off-the-hook mind-blowing jaw-dropping consciousness-expanding content. Make sure you join: (I’ll leave the link below). No official launch date set yet for ‘The Morphy.X Project’, so stay tuned for further updates.

If you enjoy listening to this podcast, as much as I enjoy producing and recording it, make sure to Like and Subscribe, I appreciate all the support.
Sending out Massive Universal Love, and Many Blessings for this New Year. Health, Happiness, Safety and Prosperity for all. Thank you for Tuning in, till next next, this is Morphy.X signing off. BLESS!!!

COPYRIGHT 2021 Morphy.X / All Rights Reserved.

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