Hive Blockchain Will be live on 20th March || Daily Vlog

in hive-196037 •  4 years ago  (edited)

HIVE Blockchain ...

After all the discussions, there will be a new sister chain (if I am not wrong) called "HIVE Blockchain" where the steem community will migrate. If you go to you will see the new chain which is not active or live yet, it will be live on 20th March. There will be airdrop for all steem people and I am hoping that we all steemians will find our own place and will migrate fully from Steem to HIVE Blockchain.

More details here.

Thanks a lot for watching...

And sorry for black and white quality... I was testing monochrome color video.



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I’m curious where the discussions happened 😉

I think you know.. :P :P hehe

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Will you be moving over or using a mix of both?

Considering some communities, they are staying on both chains for now so as a curator for now I have to stay on both chain, eventually, will completely migrate into HIVE blockchain plus as a dtuber, I am also waiting for the official announcement from Dtube...