Getting The Fortune Running In Your Favour - Crazy Things

in hive-196037 •  2 years ago 

Hello Everyone,

Fortune favors thr brave. This is an old phases which implies that once can change their favor by doing hard work and also by taking timely and calculated risks. Everyone is not blessed to have born with Fortune. Some carry them with their family while many needs to fight it hard to get their share of Fortune. In India you will find a third category where many people belive that by controlling the astrological stars movement they can control their Fortune. And that make them wear differrnt kind of rings.

I have noticed that people outside India are not in habit of wearing multiple rings. Unless and untill they have a differnt kind of taste of show offs. But in India you may end up finding men and women wearing multiple rungs apart from their wedding rings. Theses rings have different stone engraved on them that signifies a differnt section of stars that can help getting good fortune. Though putting multiple rings may create a lot of problem. And also it make your hand a bit heavier. But those who belive in horoscope and astrogical things they have complete faith that by wearing differrnt stone they able to co trol the stars movement and thet help them in getting a good fortune. Many belive that rings may bring good luck to them.


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