in hive-196037 •  5 months ago 


"THEN He [Jesus] said to them, “FOLLOW ME, AND I will make you FISHERS of MEN.”
Matthew 4:19 (NKJV)

• Truth about being a Believer, a follower of Christ Jesus.

  • Some have thought that becoming a Believer, being born-again, is an instant way of coming out of every problem.
  • Being born-again is the foundation and part of having your problems solved, but the truth is, all the problems would not be solved in an instant.
  • So if it seems a problem persisted after their being born-again; or another problem surfaces. They become restless, begin to murmur, and start to run around, looking for solutions.
  • They would go to places they should not have gone as a Believer.
  • The truth is, Being a born-again Christian does not immune you against the challenges of life.
  • Jesus told us, we would have tribulations, but He has overcome the world (John 16:33). In other words, challenges would come, but we would overcome, as we remained steadfast in Him.

• What Christianity is.

  • Christianity is about being a disciple; a learner, or a pupil, who learns and follows the teaching of the Lord Jesus Christ.
  • It is about having a genuine relationship with God through the new birth in Christ Jesus, and building a fellowship or communion with Him (John 3:3-6; Romans 10:9,10; 2 Corinthians 5:17).
  • When the relationship and fellowship becomes cordial, you begin to perceive or hear God speaking to you.
  • God begins to lead you through inner witnesses by the help of the Holy Spirit on the inside of you: "FOR AS MANY AS ARE LED BY THE SPIRIT OF GOD, THESE ARE SONS [daughters] OF GOD" (Romans 8:14 NKJV).
  • It is at the point of being led by God that you discover His plans and programmes for your life. What He wanted you to be and do in life.
  • As you grow to maturity in Christ, you know how to handle challenges and difficulties of life.
  • You put the devil, who is the archenemy of the Believers, where he belongs; when you did know your right in Christ Jesus and fully submitted to the leadership of the Holy Spirit.

• Steps to maturity, becoming a Believer who rules over the challenges of life.
I. The Foundation of It is, being born-again. You believe in your heart and confess it with your mouth that Jesus Christ died for your sins and resurrected that you might be justified—be made right with God (Romans 4:25; 10:9,10).

  • You Repent of your sins, forsake them, and never get back into them again.
    II. You submit to God's leadership. This is done by asking for the infilling of the Holy Spirit: "SO if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, HOW MUCH MORE WILL YOUR HEAVENLY FATHER GIVE THE HOLY SPIRIT TO THOSE WHO ASK HIM” (Luke 11:13 (NLT).
  • The presence of the Holy Spirit on the inside of you gives you directions. If you did allow Him, He would teach you and guide you in all things (John 14:16,17,26; 16:13).
    III. Read and study the Bible and let the Holy Spirit speak to you through the Word (Psalm 1:1-3; James 1:22-25).
    IV. Lead a prayerful life. Know that prayer is not a monologue but a dialogue, a communication with God.
  • You talk to God, as If you could see Him physically with you, and in reality, He is with you but in spirit (John 4:23).
  • When you talk to God, or ask a question from Him, you wait to receive an answer from Him. You listen to your heart, your inner man, through the Holy Spirit, a reply would be given to you on whatever you have said or asked.
  • Note: Some have not trained themselves on how to hear God on smaller issues, insignificant issues, of life, but wanted to hear on issues that are vitals like Who To Marry, OR The Choosing of a Career to pursue. But that could not be!
  • Someone who could not discern on minor issues of life; how would such a person discern who to marry or a career to pursue in life.
    V. Be part of a family of Believers. Ask God to lead you to the right church, where to worship and fellowship with other Believers.
  • Where you will grow in the knowledge of the Word of God, discover your gifts, and put them to work (Ephesians 4:15,16; Hebrews 10:25).
    VI. Join the discipleship class for the training. Through it, you would be prepared for the workforce, whatever designation, in the church.

• The responsibility of training yourself to be discerning on whatever God might be saying to you, is of paramount importance.

  • Because this is a responsibility, and it takes a discipline, thus, a number of Believers shied away from it.
  • Some Believers prefer to visit a Prophet somewhere, who would tell them what to do. Instead of waiting on God to hear from Him and be led on what to do (Romans 8:14). Although, there are genuine Prophets of God that are raised by God to bless the Body of Christ. But the primary purpose of the new testament prophets is not to be directing people's lives with prophecies. They are to equip and edify the body of Christ (Ephesians 4:12).
  • When you do that, visited a so-called prophet, you have subjected yourself to manipulations. The so-called Prophet could deceive you, manipulating your life through deceptions or the spirit of divination (Acts 16:16,17).
  • Remember, there is no freedom without a responsibility. Someone who is not mature in his or her walk with God, might not know how to be free from the deception of the devil (Ephesians 4:14; Hebrews 13:9).
  • The knowledge of the truth, which is the Word of God, the Bible, makes free (John 8:32).
  • Someone who is not responsible in his or her walk with God, may subject themselves to manipulations, by going to the so-called prophets for guidance and directions.

• Whatever you are looking for could only be gotten through your following, of the Lord Christ Jesus.

  • This is done by doing or practicing the steps mentioned in this piece.
  • Visiting false prophets; bathing in the rivers, burning of candles and incense, would not help solve your problems.
  • Being initiated to become a member of a particular cult would NOT help you out of the Problems either.
    ALL you need is Jesus! Follow Him!

• It is my prayer that you will not fail in Jesus' name.

  • Should there be any ailment in your body, receive your healing now in Jesus' name.
  • Whatever in your body, which was not planted by God, such is rooted up in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
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