in hive-196037 •  8 months ago 


9 BUT as it is written: “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man THE THINGS WHICH GOD HAS PREPARED FOR THOSE WHO LOVE HIM.”
10 BUT God has revealed them to us through HIS SPIRIT. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God."
1 Corinthians 2:10 (NKJV)

• If you want to be relevant in the move of God, you have to be circumspect and be obedient to God's instructions.

  • God gives dreams, the Desires of whatever He wanted to do in the life of His obedient children, to them.
  • When a dream or Desire is given by God, He also gives power to fulfil the dream.
  • Whatever you can dream of, the power to fulfil it would equally be given to you by the Holy Spirit.
  • When a strong desire for what you had not been thinking on, started coming up in your heart, it means God wanted to do something about the new thought that is just coming up in your mind.
  • The picture or Desire is always given to the Believers who pay attention to their spiritual life; their relationship and fellowship with God.
  • If you had a robust relationship and fellowship with God, the pictures of whatever He wanted to do in your life would always be painted in your heart.
  • If your mind was renewed by the Holy Spirit through the Word of God and Prayers (Romans 12:2), the pictures of whatever God has in plan, what He wanted to do, would always come up in you.
  • When God is about to start a new thing, birth a new thing, in your life; He always would start with a desire of it in your heart.

• Be sensitive to receive from God.

  • The pictures of wherever He is taking you would be painted in your heart.
  • You have the responsibility to renew your mind (Romans 12:2).
  • When your mind is renewed, you can easily pick up whatever message the Holy Spirit is passing across to you.
  • Usually, what or the picture you had seen in your mind or heart is what you become. Because whatever God wanted to do in your life, He always started with the painting of the picture in your heart or mind.

• About the renewing of the mind:
a. Pray more in the language of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 14:2; Jude 20).
THE more you pray in the language of the Spirit, the clearer your mind is, from every congestion.
b. The consistent study of the Word of God, pondering on it, renews your mind.
IF your mind is filled or preoccupied with the Word of God, you can easily pick up whatever message from the Holy Spirit, being passed across to you.
IF what you fed your mind with, contradicted the Word of God, it would be difficult for you to receive whatever message being sent to you from God through the Holy Spirit on the inside of you.
c. The people you associate with would affect your thinking positively or negatively. Be careful in choosing friends—those whom you associated with.
IT is not everyone you should allow in your life. You allow the Holy Spirit to guide you on who to allow and who not to allow or give access to, in your life.

• Ability to create is given to you. God wanted you to create and it is through your dreams.

  • Believers are the extensions of God's Kingdom on earth. The pictures painted in your heart are meant to be carried out—executed.
  • God wanted to change things through the Desire or picture painted in your heart. The picture given you mainly would be about changing the lives of other people.
  • He wanted you to create something that would change the lives of the people you are assigned. God is raising Apostles, those He wanted to send to change things. Apostle means the Sent One. Someone who is sent with a purpose in view.
  • The more you walk in close communion with God, the clearer you begin to see things that are wrong, and needed a change.
  • God wanted you to do something on those things you see that needed a change.

• You need to understand the purpose of being alive on the earth—why you are living.

  • Life is more than food: "[After all] the kingdom of God is not a matter of [getting the] food and drink [one likes], but instead it is righteousness (that state which makes a person acceptable to God) and [heart] peace and joy in the Holy Spirit" (Romans 14:17 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition).
  • God wanted you to do something to change the people's lives before you leave the planet earth.
  • If your heart is fully committed to God, He will strengthen you in your Walk with Him and give you directions in life: "THE EYES OF THE LORD SEARCH THE WHOLE EARTH IN ORDER TO STRENGTHEN THOSE WHOSE HEARTS ARE FULLY COMMITTED TO HIM... " (2 Chronicles 16:9 NLT).
  • The Purpose why you were sent to the earth, to fulfil, was the picture printed in your heart. The Desire to see things happen, what you had dreamt.

• To be part of God's move on the earth, that is, to receive dreams on whatever God may have wanted to use you to fulfil or accomplish:
(i) Study the Word of God consistently (Joshua 1:8; James 1:22-25).
(ii) Be prompt in every instruction given you by God (John 15:14).
(iii) Your commitments to the things of His Kingdom should be Keen (2 Corinthians 11:28).
(iv) Be strong and courageous (Joshua 1:7,9).
(v) Praying without ceasing (Ephesians 6:18; 1 Thessalonians 5:17). Also know that, It is important to add fastings to your prayers, for quicker and better results (Matthew 17:21).

  • If you pay attention to the points mentioned or shared in this piece, you will never live an unfulfilled life (2 Peter 1:10).

• It is a new day for you in Jesus' name.

  • Every dream you are given by God shall be fully realized or accomplished in Jesus' name.
  • I see you moving forward, making progress in Jesus' name.
  • The hold of stagnation is broken in your life in Jesus' name.
  • And If there is any ailment in your body, such is rebuked and uprooted totally in Jesus' name.
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